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Complicated Feelings

Lia's POV

I still feel like it is my fault that Y/N left. Yeji and the others tried to convince me that it was her choice and that we should respect it. It has been a few weeks since I last saw her.

I did get calls from my grandmother to convince Y/N to change her testimony to make it look like Binna unnie was innocent when she clearly was not. The public rage had yet to cool down. The amount of hate Y/N is receiving even when she is the victim is just terrible while Binna unnie was being 'comforted' by the public. That is the pros of being the popular one. They support her without doubting her even when the evidence is clearly against her. They are blindly trusting her. Well, good for her.

I don't know. Maybe Y/N would change her testimony if I ask her. They can get Y/N to change hers but what are they going to do about.. me? Even though it hurts to take sides, it will only be fair to stand by the truth.

{after a few more weeks}

I don't see her at the university anymore. She probably transferred. I have been seeing her a few times at the court. And when I do see her, she refuses to even meet my eyes. Her eyes were just as puffy and red as mine. Her dark circles weren't as visible as mine because of her darker complexion. It pains me to see her like this. It hurts me, even more, to know that I was part of the reason. I promised Ah reum that I would protect Y/N. I am sorry I failed you, Ah reum. I guess it is for the better that we stay away from each other. I hope she is doing fine. That's all I can do now, pray for her.


[306 words]

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So, now. We are almost done. Hope you guys liked this chapter. Then, Bye~

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