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It's been two weeks exactly since I helped Yeji with the boxes. I now know their names. We greet when we pass by each other in the dorm and in the university hallways. There hasn't really been a proper conversation with them and I like it that they are giving me space and not pushing me to do anything. Yuna often pops up and leaves something in front of my room door. Usually, a drink with a sticky note saying 'hwaiting!' or 'cheer up!'. I often see them when I go out of my room to eat. Ryujin seems to be uncomfortable by my presence. But nevertheless, we greet each other. Sometimes, we just bow our heads. Yuna is always the most hyper and cheerful. While yeji and Chaeryeong have been consistent with saying hello and offering me a small smile, Lia sometimes hugs me. I still haven't gotten used to it.

I am currently in class. Dance class. We were told to prepare a dance, solo or group. My dormmates offered to let me join their team but I refused. I cannot change back so easily. After all, I have been living like this for the past years for my own disliking. We took turns practicing on the rooftop of our dorm. They have been kind enough to lend me their speakers knowing that I didn't have one.

Everyone was dancing one after another. Mine was last as I joined in the middle. It is their turn now. I mean, ITZY's. The music started and as if on cue, my phone rang. I saw the caller id 'Choi Myung Hee' and went out to take the call.

Narrator's POV

It didn't go unnoticed by the itzy members that Y/N was not present in the audience. Y/N returned right after ITZY's performance ended. Talk about bad timings. As soon as Y/N neared them, Yuna threw her hands around Y/N's neck and asked, "unnie, why did you skip our performance. I was looking forward to show our dance to you."

"Unnie?", the dance teacher asked confused as to why Yuna was calling Y/N unnie.

To be honest, neither Y/N nor itzy knew each other's age. Itzy just started calling Y/N unnie as she looked older and Y/N didn't bother correcting as it felt good to have someone call her unnie again. And as for Y/N, she still called them sunbaenims even after being told to be comfortable. After a few days, itzy didn't bother reminding her and just waited for her to be comfortable with them.

"Hmm.... Yes unnie?", asked Yuna, unsure of what was going on.

"Well, don't you guys know.... that she is the youngest out of all of you in this room?", the dance teacher replied, unsure of how itzy would take the information.


All 5 of them asked at the same time, making Y/N flinch and cover her ears to protect them. All of them wanted to ask Y/N but before they could, the teacher's voice interrupted them.

"Okay. It's now Y/N's turn to perform."

Everyone clapped and someone whistled, making 7 of them snap their head towards the source.

Sana mumbled a sorry, giving them an apologetic smile.

Y/N sighed remembering her past encounters with Sana. After a few days Y/N had helped Sana, she had found the café where Y/N worked part-time and visited almost every day, staring at her the whole time and clinging to her, every time Y/N got too close to Sana. If not for Chaeryeong, Y/N wouldn't have survived this long. Not too long ago, Y/N had asked Sana to stop visiting the café. Of course, Sana didn't agree at once. After Y/N threatened that she would never to talk to Sana again, she agreed not to visit the café anymore. Now, she greets Sana too.

After she warmed up, she performed the below.

After the class dismissed, yeji dragged Y/N to the rooftop where the other 4 members waited.

Lia was the first one to talk.

Lia- why didn't you tell us?

Y/N- tell you guys what?

Chaeryeong- don't play dumb Y/N. you know what we are talking about, right?

Y/N- fine. I know but, I swear that I didn't know that I was younger than you guys. I was clueless too.

Yuna mumbled under her breath, "I was into younger girls anyway."

Y/N- what did you say?

Yuna- nothing. But don't you think it's time for you to start calling us unnie?

Also, this wouldn't have happened if we had introduced ourselves properly.

Lia- Yuna-yah, we already talked about this and we agreed to give her time until she feels comfortable with us. We should wait until she is ready.

Y/N- it's okay, Lia unnie. Yuna unnie is right.

Yuna- wait, did you just call me unnie? Huh? At last, you are dropping the sunbaenim?

Y/N gave them a small smile.

Chaeryeong- what about me then?

Y/N- chael unnie? like Yuna unnie, Can I call you that too?

Chaeryeong- of course. You can call me anything you want.

Y/N- you all should probably leave unnies. It's already 10 minutes into lunch break.

And with that, itzy members left the rooftop smiling, knowing that Y/N was warming up to them.

"She is willing to give us a chance.", thought Lia.


All six of us had the same lecture after lunch. I met them at the lecture hall and they offered me a seat. I sat down between Yejisu unnies. The professor announced that we had a group assignment and we would be paired up randomly. This was the worst. Not only a group assignment and with a stranger at that unless I was assigned with one of the itzy members. I sighed knowing that there was nothing that I could do about it.

The partners were assigned and guess who I got?

Ryujin unnie. Out of 5 itzy members, I got paired up with Ryujin unnie. I mean, this was probably better than getting paired with a stranger but she was never comfortable with me in the first place.

Yuna unnie's voice cut my thoughts short.

"Sir, I don't have a partner as Nancy left last week."

"But no one is left now. So just stick with one your friends."

"Thank you, sir."

I heard Yeji unnie mumble, "ugh. I wish I could choose my partner too."

I chuckled at her silliness and she looked at me surprised.

"What happened unnie?", I asked unsure of what was going on.

"That was the first time I heard you chuckle. It is weird considering that we lived together all this time and yet, it was my first time seeing you chuckle."

"Really unnie? Maybe I can go back to what I used to be. Even without her around.", I said, giving her a sad smile while mumbling the last part to myself. 


'Even without her around.'

She mumbled but I still heard it. Who was her? Maybe her ex-girlfriend? Did she go through a bad breakup? Whatever. I should probably focus on the lecture.


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Who do you guys think is this 'choi myung hee'?

Comment below who you think it might be. Also I took this name from a drama I watched recently, can you guess what drama it is?

Hint: corn salad/consigliere.

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