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Those Unspoken Words


I don't know what to do. Something that comes to my mind right now is to 'run away'. I don't know if I am making a mistake again but this feels like the right thing to do right now. I cannot bear to see Lia unnie again and I am sure that it is the same for her too. I heard her crying and it broke my heart knowing that I was part of the reason, if not the reason. Seeing each other will only remind us of the things that we want to forget about. I was the one who was in the wrong. I don't want them to suffer because of me. And the only way is that I get out of their lives. And that's what I was going to do now. Leave them.

I left a note behind so they don't look for me when they wake up.

I quietly made my way to the front door. Once I walk out of this door, there is no turning back. I have returned my key to the landlady. Once I close this door, I won't be able to open it even if I wanted to. I took a deep breath and moved my luggage outside, careful not to make a noise.

Narrator's POV

Everyone woke up except Lia and Y/N or at least, that's what they thought. Y/N was a heavy sleeper and Lia had cried all night. So, they didn't want to disturb them. They had decided to miss classes today. That was the least of their concern after what had transpired between two of their members. Everyone was down, so Ryujin's behaviour went unquestioned.

It was 10 a.m. and they decided to wake them up for breakfast. Yeji went to wake up Lia while Yuna went to Y/N's room.

Yuna came out confused and told the others that Y/N was not in her room.

Chaeryeong said, "what? How can that be? I was the first one to wake up but I didn't see her. Yuna-yah, did you check the washroom?"

Lia volunteered, "I will go."

"She is not there but I found this letter. I will read it."

Lia started, "I'm sorry, unnies. I don't think I have the strength to face you guys anymore. I know that my actions have deeply hurt you, especially Lia unnie. seeing each other every day will only deepen our wounds. I want to go away from all this. I just want to live a peaceful life. I hope you guys too, can heal. Please forgive me for everything that I did.

Thanks for everything. Because of you guys, I have something to look back at with a smile on my face. I hope I can return one day. And please don't waste your time looking for me.


Everyone was in tears. They felt like it was their fault that the girl had left.

On the other hand, Y/N couldn't stop her tears from falling as soon as she left the dorm. She didn't know where to go now that she left the dorm. She possibly cannot go back to her parent's house if you can even call them that. She basically had no friends except itzy. And she can't afford to stay at a hotel for more than a night.

Scrolling through her contacts, she only had 9 numbers saved in her phone. Five were already out. One was Ah reum's. she still had not deleted her sister's number. The other two were her professors. The only one left was........


[680 words]

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Hey, guys.

As I said, the chapters have been getting shorter and shorter. I honestly don't know what's going on. I never had to stretch a chapter to reach a certain word limit. If anything, I had to delete parts because it was too long. And suddenly, the length is shortened. I would like to know which length did you prefer. So, I can write accordingly.

Also, whose number do you think it was? Comment your guesses. And would you like it if I had more cliffhangers?

Let's be happy ♡

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