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Facing The Consequences


It was Monday and thank God my first class today is at around 10 a.m. I came out to Yuna and Chaeryeong unnie chatting as they ate breakfast while Ryujin unnie was silent with her head down. She has been acting weird lately.

I joined them. They told me that Yeji and Lia unnie have gone out together. This early in the morning? Never mind. I forgot that they were dating.

I got up to put the dishes in the sink when I heard the front door open suddenly. It was kind of loud. So, I turned around worried.

"Unnie, you are going to break–"

I couldn't complete my sentence. She slapped me. I wouldn't believe my eyes if not for the stinging sensation on my cheek. Everyone in the room gasped at her sudden action while yeji unnie was trying to hold her. I held my cheek in pain as a million thoughts ran across my mind about what was this about.

Narrator's POV

Yuna was the first one to speak. The others were still shocked by what had happened.

"What are you doing, unnie?" Yuna asked Lia as she went towards Y/N to check if she was okay.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" Yuna asked Y/N.

Lia dropped to the floor on her knees, crying.

Without saying a word, Y/N moved to hug Lia.

"I'm sorry, unnie," Y/N said even though she had no clue what was going on. She wanted to know but how could she ask when Lia was crying?

Lia spits out, "don't you dare take a step towards me. Do you even know why you are sorry?"

Y/N didn't know what to say. She had no idea why Lia was behaving like this.

Lia scoffed, "see, you don't even know what you are apologizing for. All you know is how to lie. How could you? I always thought of you as my younger sister."

Chaeryeong turned to Yeji, "unnie, what is this all about? What is going on?"

Yeji showed her the post and Yuna leaned in while Ryujin was standing still, with her head down.

Yeji spoke, "why did you do this Y/N? you told me not to hurt Lia and yet, you did."

Lia had calmed down a little bit now. She spoke again, "did you do it? I want to hear from you. Even though it is clear that you did, why do I still want to hear it from you?"

Y/N started, "what are you talking about unnie? I don't–"

"The Paintings," Lia said as she walked towards Y/N. her voice almost a whisper, "you didn't do it, right? It was all a misunderstanding, right?"

Y/N looked down as tears fell as she got the feelingof déjà vu.

Lia gripped her shirt, "why won't you talk? Say something. Anything. Please."

Yeji wanted to hold Lia but Chaeryeong told her not to, "they need to solve it on their own."

Everyone was focused on Lia and Y/N that they didn't notice Ryujin crying silently.

Lia had stopped crying, "why didn't you tell me about my sister?"

"I really didn't know that she was your sister. I met her for the first time at your birthday party."

Lia asked as tears started flowing again, "why didn't you tell me? I thought you told me that I was like a sister to you. Why did you keep it to yourself?"

"I'm sorry, unnie. I am not proud of what I did. I didn't know what to tell you and how to tell you. I am really sorry."

Lia hugged her and told, "please don't ignore me like that again. You think that I didn't notice your behaviour towards me since that party. I thought you were just having a bad day. I didn't know that you were going through all this."

Time skip

"So, what are you going to do now? My sister is clearly in the wrong here. You should do something before the government finds out that it was you in the photo," Lia stated.

"But how did you find out unnie? I mean, my face was blurred," Y/N asked.

"Lia recognized your clothes and the surrounding background was familiar too. Not to mention you like to paint. We just connected the dots," Yeji answered.

"I tried my best to stay calm. But I couldn't keep my composure knowing what you have been doing behind our back. I was more mad at you for not sharing this with me and ignoring me than the fact that you were my sister's ghost painter. I still can't believe that she did something like this," Lia explained.

Yuna asked as she tried to touch Y/N's cheek, "does it hurt?"

Y/N flinched in response and the girls felt bad.

Chaeryeong said, "there are only two ways from here. Either be honest or Lie to the government. If I was you, I would choose the first. Lying to the government will only get you in more trouble."

Y/N started, "but she is Lia unnie's sister–"

"That doesn't give her the right to do anything that she wants. She is my sister but she needs to be punished for what she did. Don't worry about me. You are just as important to me," Lia said sincerely. "It is going to be tough but you have got no choice but to claim what's rightfully yours. And about that painting that she gifted me on her birthday, was that painted by you too?"

Y/N just nodded.

"I guess I was the only one trying to hold our relationship. That's why it has come to this," Lia mumbled as she went to her room.


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Hey, guys.

I don't know if I was able to write this chapter as I had imagined it in my head but yeah, you get the idea, right?

Another chapter finished. we are nearing the end.

Love you guys 🖤 and thank you for all the love and support. (ᵔ ᴥ ᵔ)

Take care of yourself. Also, Thank you @DimpleGraceBohol and @tinyfox_skz for adding this book to their reading lists and @Telechubby for taking their time to comment on my chapters.


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