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I walked inside of the café, only to be met by two of my dormmates. I didn't even know their names. But it was definitely better than strangers, in the sense I don't have to introduce myself. I walked behind the counter to be greeted by a girl whose smile reached her eyes. I noticed that the girl who talked earlier was still facing the front, not bothering to greet or talk. I like that. I like her the most out of the five. She will be the first as long as she still treats me this way. She introduced herself as Chaeryeong and I just bowed my head in response, hoping she would get my hint to not talk to me unless necessary. That girl turned back and asked, "why can't you just open your mouth and speak like other people do? Is it really that hard for you to reply?"

I maintained my stoic face. Chaeryeong pulled the other girl to storage before she could complete. I sighed and went to cash counter to segregate the notes. A customer came in & ordered and I was midway preparing the drink when Chaeryeong & the other girl came out. She was standing in my way. So, I just excused myself. I go to get another ingredient and see Chaeryeong nudge the girl from my peripheral view. I just shrug it off and carry on. I turn around and the other girl was right behind. Getting uncomfortable by this thing, I had to ask if she wanted something. She gave me a no almost instantly. Then I asked to move. It looked as if she was unwilling? I mean the dislike was mutual a minute ago. I served the drink and came back, I can hear Chaeryeong whispering something to her friend but I couldn't make out what it was and I was not interested in their conversation anyway. Chaeryeong came up to me and said, "this is Ryujin and she wants to tell you something." I just nodded not knowing what was going on. Well, the person who was shouting on me a few minutes ago was now acting like I was the one who shouted on her. She came to me and said sorry.

Ryujin spoke, "I am really sorry for shouting on you a few minutes before. Turns out I misunderstood the situation."

Ah, so that's what happened. Chaeryeong probably took Ryujin aside and explained. It happened a lot more than anyone can even imagine. And even if I didn't like it, I had grown used to it by now. I replied, "it's okay. I am used to it anyway." Not really caring if I sounded sincere or not. I went to collect the empty coffee cup.

Narrator's POV

Ryujin didn't really expect that reply. She expected a sassy reply like- 'then, you should have thought before talking' with a smug look on her face. But she got a 'I'm used to it anyway' with what looked like sadness. Thinking that she was probably reading too much into it, she continued her work. The three got off work almost at the same time. The two itzy members were in front with Y/N closely following behind. The bus came almost in no time. They boarded the bus. While the itzy members chatted the time away, Y/N fell asleep. When it was their stop, Ryujin got off. Luckily Chaeryeong noticed it and woke Y/N up, mumbling a thank you, the younger got off in a hurry. Chaeryeong could not help but giggle at her cuteness. They parted ways at the bus stop.


"Didn't she look tired?"

Woah! Where did that come from?

"Umm... I don't know unnie. I didn't really notice."

"We both live in the same dorm but she took the opposite road. Why do you think she did that?", she asked facing me.

"How am I supposed to know unnie? Also, you should've asked her if you were that curious."

"I am not curious. I am just worried about her."

"Unnie, she is old enough to take care of herself."

We both reached home and sat at dining table waiting for dinner.

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