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TRIP pt.3


I need to get this off my chest now.

"Unnie, so....", I trailed off looking at Lia unnie.

"I didn't tell anyone, if that's what you were going to ask.", she replied.

"But, Yeji unnie said that she wanted to talk about it. So, I assumed that you told her."

"Ugh. Whatever. Unnie, can you tell them now? So, I can explain my part.", I pleaded.

Lia unnie told them everything. Everyone was shocked. Well, that's what I think except the two shin sisters. Ryujin was looking at Lia with an unreadable expression, with what I think might me anger while Yuna was looking down at the bedsheet, in guilt? I don't know.

Ryujin unnie got up and sat down in front of me. I closed my eyes expecting a slap or something, but she hugged me instead.

I was flustered. Of course, this was the last thing that I imagined that would happen.

Oh my god. She was crying. I didn't know what to do. So, I just put my arms around her in an effort to calm her down.

"Well, it was about my sister- Hong Ah Reum.

Yuna unnie, I don't know how you heard that name or what you heard about it, but if that's the reason you are ignoring me right now, I can understand.", I told her with a sad smile.

"My sister was fully Korean unlike me. So, dad and her mom had high expectations on her but she wasn't really the top student. My grades weren't that good too. Her mom started saying that it was my fault and that I was a bad influence on her daughter. It went to the point that ah reum was basically starving because of talking with me on top of doing the chores for bad grades. I started working part-time so I could buy her something to eat on those days. I lied and saved money but I could never go more than 50 dollars at a time because the pay was low compared to money I needed.

Well, things happened and it somehow ended up with her and me standing on the edge of the building, fighting. She was blackmailing me that she would jump if I didn't listen to her. I tried to convince her but I tried to pull her and she fell down. "

"How is she now?", asked Chaeryeong.

"I don't know too. I can only hope that she found peace at least after she died.", I answered tears spilling form my eyes nonstop.

Someone hugged me and it was Yuna unnie this time.

"What about your mother?", asked Ryujin unnie.

"She left me and my dad when she found out that he had another family."

"Enough of this. Let's save this for another day. We still have a few hours left to enjoy. So, what do you guys want to do?"

"I want to go the village nearby", I spilled.

"But what if we get lost?", asked Chaeryeong unnie.

Way to ruin what I wanted to do.

I pouted and looked at Yuna and Ryujin unnie.

Yuna unnie got convinced and talked in my favour. But it still doesn't make up for ignoring me without any reason.

"I want to talk to Yeji and Chaeryeong alone, separately.", I said pointing at both of them.

First, Yeji unnie.

"Unnie, you are their leader. They will definitely listen to you. Can't you favour me? It will be like a date with Lia unnie. So romantic", I said, testing my luck.

Now, it all depends on her reaction. Please God. Please.

"What are you talking about? It's ridiculous.", yeji unnie said.

But I already got my answer.

I looked at her with a teasing smile and told her that I will take the other three with me so she can have some alone time with Lia unnie.

"So, what do you say unnie?"

"Okay then. you better keep your promise."

I gave her a thumbs up and told her send Chaeryeong unnie.

"Chaeryeong unnie, I want to ask my first wish now."

"What? Didn't you already ask me your first wish? When we were watching the movie that day?"

"Nope. Yes I asked you but I never said that it was my first wish."

She sighed and agreed to go to the village to fulfil my first wish.

3 down. 2 to go. Phew.

We walked back to them and Chaeryeong unnie said that she wants to go as well.

Yeji unnie convinced Lia telling her that everyone wanted to go. They seriously look like a married couple, discussing about where to eat with their children that all want to go to different places.

But since our opinions are divided, it is only fair that we do what the majority wants. It was 5 VS 1.

Only Ryujin unnie didn't agree now, but since she can't stay back alone, she is coming along with us.

We packed our backpacks with things like our water bottle and a few snacks as no one exactly knew how far it was and how long it would take us to reach there.

We started walking and everyone talked about a TMI.

My turn now. What should I tell?

"Did you guys notice that I didn't call anyone unnie and avoided it all costs?"

They all hummed, all their eyes on me, curious to know what I had to say.

"It was because I used to call Ah-reum 'unnie'. Even though I was older than her, I was a coward and never protected her but she always fought for me."

"But you loved her and cared for her. I am sure she knows that too, Y/N-nah.", Lia unnie said, patting my back.

"It's okay unnie. I just wanted to tell you guys.", I reassured her, smiling.

At last, we reached the bus stop. For what seemed like an eternity, the bus finally came.

We were really tired from all the talking and walking from earlier. We boarded the bus. As promised, I made Lia unnie sit with Yeji unnie and I was sitting with Ryujin unnie.


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Hey, guys.

I'm updating as promised.

Love you guys 🖤 Stay safe.

See you in the next chapter. Bye 👋 

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