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Snakes and Ladders


And it was......


I remember that we exchanged phone numbers for that one dance performance together. Should I call her? I don't have anyone to call right now except her but why would she help me?

It won't hurt to ask her once, right? Just in case, she wants to help.

Time skip

I called her and told her that I wanted to ask her a favour. She said that she would meet me in this café. I have been waiting for 15 minutes and at last, she came.

We greeted and she sat beside me.

"Are you okay? Did you cry?" I heard her ask.

"I am okay, unnie."

She sighed knowing that I wasn't going to tell her anything.

"Fine. You don't need to tell me. I just hope that you can trust someone with your problems. Now, what favour did you want?"

I could feel the sincerity in her voice. I don't know why but I started crying. It was just too much, I guess.

"Oh my god, Y/N. are you crying? What happened?"

She patted my back to calm me. It kind of worked because I stopped crying.

She was hugging me but I didn't complain and just let her be. She offered to go to her house and talk.

Time skip

"So now, do you want to explain?"

I told her everything. I don't know where did I get the courage to tell what I did but I did. And my ears were probably bleeding by now.

"I am homeless right now. I ran away without a backup plan and now, I need a place to stay until I figure out what to do next."

"And you came to me? Was I the first person that came to your mind?"

"Well, I only had your number saved in my contacts whom I could call for help. So..."

"Whatever. As you can see, there is only room. You can share it with me if you want until you figure it out."

"Thank you, unnie. I really am. I would be on the streets if not for you."

{After a few days}

Chaeryeong POV

The dorm was a mess. The past few days have been hell without Y/N here. But to be honest, I don't know if it would have been any better if she was indeed here. What Y/N wrote in the letter made sense. It would hurt both Lia unnie and Y/N. Yeji unnie and I are busy consoling the others. The maknaes have been so quiet that someone would assume that everything was fine but the dark circles and puffy eyes tell a different story.

And about Y/N, she hasn't contacted us. I am very worried about her but I can't really do much. I miss her too but I know that she needs space right now. Wherever she is, I hope she is safe.


[495 words]

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Another short chapter. I think I know why the chapters are getting shorter and shorter. Probably it is because of these 'episodes' where I lose interest in everything. I usually just push myself to do the basic work and it kind of worked because I wrote past the 500-word mark. I will try harder in the future guys.

Anyways, did you guys like this chapter?


P.S. I am sorry for disappearing without a notice. Shifting places is difficult but wi-fi connections can be really tough in a new place. So, please bear with me. 

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