Chapter 5

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"Serena..." I heard someone whisper.

I groaned as I fluttered my eyes open and close. I finally was able to fully open my eyes and saw the most beautiful man in the world.


"Yes, love. I'm right here." he whispered as he pushed some of my hair behind my ear.

"Where am I?" I asked still fluttering my eyes.

"We're still at the park." He laughed and began to brush my cheek with his large fingers.

I looked around and noticed I still laid on Harry's chest. I ran my head up to face him, he just smiled.

"You must have fallen asleep while I was singing. Don't worry, it's late anyway, let's go home."

He stood up and I slipped from his chest and landed on the blanket. He slipped the blanket from under me and left the picnic basket next to the tree. He threw the blanket over his shoulders and picked me up from the floor, one hand held my legs and the other held my back. I rested my head on his chest and threw my hands around his neck. I've known him so long that sometimes I forget how strong he was. I glanced up at him once in a while as we walked to his car and he never took his eyes off of me, he was so protective of me. As we arrived next to his car, he threw the car door open and carefully put me in. He wrapped the blanket around me and I hummed in pleasure of the warmth. Harry managed to chuckle a little before closing the door and walking over to his side of the car. After waiting a few minutes I got concerned why Harry wasn't beside me like he should be. I opened my eyes to see the girl he was with, they were chatting up a storm. I tried to hear what they were talking about and who was with him but I gave up because I couldn't hear a word. After another five minutes they hugged and said their goodbyes. He finally opened the car door and climbed in.

"Who was that." I blurted out.

"Julie..." he whispered as he began to drive, eyes focused on the road.

Julie, the girl who loved Harry in high school, the girl who wanted me out of his life, Harry's ex...

"Oh..." I whispered.


I didn't say a word.

"I'm going to meet her for coffee tomorrow." He said still focusing on the road.

I felt my heart break.


"Are you okay with that?" he asked almost as if he can tell exactly what I'm thinking.

"Y-yes." I whimpered out.

He didn't speak and just kept on driving.

"I'm meeting Niall for coffee too." I blurted out.

His grip on the wheel hardened and his jaw clenched.

"Why?" He splat at me.

"I don't know, he wanted to catch up with me."


We didn't speak. Harry kept his eyes on the road and I sat quietly in my seat, wrapped in the blanket. After a while I grabbed my phone from my purse and went to Niall's contact.

"To: Niall

Sure! Let's meet up tomorrow, 10 a.m.?"

I wasn't sure I should click send. I looked up at Harry, his eyes still fixed on the road.

"Well, two can play at this game." I whispered to myself as I pressed send.

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