Chapter 25: More Suspicious Activities

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(The scene opens on the Special Forces Headquarters. Cassie stands next to the techno-portal and is speaking over the communication station next to it.)

Cassie: What happened in there, Zuko?

Zuko: It looks like something took Izuku away!

Cassie: Something?

Zuko: Yeah. By the way, how is your techno-portal?

Cassie: Still unstable.

Zuko: (sighs) Damn it... Try to contact Aang. The Avatar might know where he is.

Cassie: Got it!

(Then she communicates with Aang.)

Cassie: Aang, this is Cassie Cage, please respond.

Aang: Aang here.

Cassie: Something happened to Tarantula. He may need help. My techno-portals are unstable and I can't risk ending up in the middle of nowhere. Can you portal to him?

Aang: Unfortunately, no. There is a crisis here in Ba Sing Se that requires my full attention. I do not have time to explain.

Cassie: Understood. I'll have to go there myself.

Aang: I will send Sokka to help you.

Cassie: Cassie out. If the portal was working properly I could get to Tarantula immediately. But the destination is...too erratic.

(Someone can be heard walking behind Cassie.)

Cassie: I can't risk emerging in the wrong place...or worse, bringing something here.

Robin: It's a little late to be worried about that

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Robin: It's a little late to be worried about that.

Cassie: Who are you?

Robin: I'm Robin, and I really need to be getting back to Metropolis, so if you could just maybe--

Cassie: Security breach, portal room! Initiate immediate lockdown!

(Klaxons sound around the room and doors begin closing.)

Cassie: You aren't going anywhere.

Robin: Come on, little rascal. I have a headache.

Cassie: Little Rascal? You asked for it, little brat!

(Cassie takes up a fighting stance.)

Robin: (draws his sword) Alright then... you're headed to the cemetery!

(They fight. Cassie's Special Forces training gives her the advantage in the melee and soon Robin is down and out cold.)

Cassie: Security'll take care of you - I've got to get to Tarantula.

(Cassie arrives at the Shirai Ryu Temple, but no signal of Tarantula or anyone. Then Zuko comes in, dragging Toga)

Cassie: I can see you brought Toga. She may be useful.

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