Chapter 32: United We Win

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(Izuku is face to face with Batman and both start to fight. Izuku throws his spear, but Batman catches it and pulls him before preparing his punch. But the Shirai Ryu Firebender susprises him with a kick in his face. Batman gets up and throws his batarangs while Izuku throws some fireballs. The fireballs destroy the batarangs, forcing Batman to avoid them. Izuku then approaches Batman and uses his lightningbending to shock Batman. But then the Dark clicks a button and somehow the Batmobile comes in. Izuku manages to avoid the vehicle by teleporting himself. He appears out of nowhere, trying to hit Batman, but the Dark Knight grabs his neck, implying that he was ready for a counterattack. Then he throws him down. During the fight, they notice that none of them is having a clear advantage. But then a similar laugh is heard as Shinnokal-El comes in.)

Shinnokal-El: Outstanding!

(Izuku and Batman turn around and see Shinnokal-El.)

Shinnokal-El: Such ferocity! The hatred! The anger! Your kombat hastens the merging!

Batman: No, Shinnokal-El! I won't let you destroy the Earth!

(Izuku realizes that and gets amazed.)

Shinnokal-El: That's enough!

(Shinnokal-El blasts Batman with an energy blast similar to Superman's heat vision, except it comes from his hand. He continues to hold the blast on Batman, preventing him from attacking. Tarantula takes this time to shoot a fireball at Shinnokal-El. He misses, and Shinnokal-El shoots him back with a blast of his own. Tarantula falls to the floor, but the distraction was enough to stop the attack on Batman.

Batman: You don't fight for him?

Tarantula: Neither do you.

Shinnokal-El: SILENCE!

Batman: Seems we have a common enemy.

Tarantula: And a common goal.

Shinnokal-El: On your feet! This battle is not yet over! You will FIGHT!

(The rage begins to effect Batman and Tarantula again. They begin to instinctively face off, but struggle to overcome the rage.)

Batman: Don't give into the rage, Raiden! It can be overcome!

Tarantula: Focus...we must focus!

Shinnokal-El: What are you doing?!

Tarantula: If we fight together, we can channel his own energy against him!

Batman: Sounds like a plan!

(The two of them turn as one to face Shinnokal-El.)

Shinnokal-El: Face each other, or face me, it makes no difference! YOU - WILL - FIGHT!!!

(Shinnokal-El roars, and they fight. Another truly epic battle ensues, but the combined power of Batman and Tarantula proves to be too much to handle for the abomination that is Shinnokal-El. When the final blow is at last delivered, the monster's own rage is channelled against him and proves too much to handle as his body swells up and light expells itself from him. With one final scream, he explodes.)

Batman: It's finally over.

Tarantula: Yes, it is...

(A brief flash of light bathes over the scene and Tarantula finds himself standing in Outworld.)

Tarantula: Batman?

(There is no sign of Batman, no evidence of battle - no signs of anything to show that the universes are still merging.)

Tarantula: He's gone...

(The Forces of Light and Darkness walk into the arena where Izuku is. Ty Lee hugs him.)

Izuku the Shirai Ryu FirebenderWhere stories live. Discover now