Chapter 28: On the Trail

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(Vale. Scorpion teleports into a lone street in a flash of hellfire. He looks around, not finding anything. A voice sounds out behind him.)

Roman: Great gag

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Roman: Great gag.

(Scorpion turns to face the criminal Roman Torchwick.)

Scorpion: Where is Kitana?

Roman: Didn't I kill her last time we met? Wait a minute, I never heard about this Kitana.

(Scorpion gives Roman a blank look before walking off. Seemingly annoyed at being ignored, Roman pulls his Melodic Cudgel and uses it to shoot Scorpion, who avoids the shot.)

Roman: (sarcastically) Oops! Where did that come from?

Scorpion: You will pay for that with your life!

(They fight. Scorpion has no trouble at all beating the crap out of Roman. The ninja soon knocks him down, and then decides Roman's not worth the three seconds it would take to flame-broil him and teleports away while the criminal is sitting up in a daze. Roman spots someone walking over to him and recoils in fright.)

Cinder: Hello, Roman

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Cinder: Hello, Roman. Looks like you could use some help. I already have a few recruits. How'd you like to join us?

Roman: Hehehehahahahahaaa!

(Gotham. Catwoman is speaking with Harley Quinn at the place where the city is merging with Ba Sing Se.)


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