Chapter 35.B: Final Battle (Part 2)/Kronika's Demise

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(The forces of Light manage to arrive at Kronika's hourglass. But...)

Kronika: You are a little too late!

(She turns back to the hourglass and pours her energy into it. All of the heroes are seen affected by the rewind. Only Izuku, Katsuki, All Might and Izumi are unaffected. Kronika realizes that Izuku is shielded by the power of the spectre.)

Kronika: Scorpion's gift shields you from the power of the hourglass. Regardless, your allies are gone, while mine remain to defend me.

(She motions to All Might, Katsuki and Izumi.)

Kronika: Finish him!

(Izumi and Katsuki charge Izuku at the same time. He parries Izumi's punch with his hands and ducks under a swipe, but walks into a powerful punch from All Might. As Izuku staggers back, he manages to block an ax kick from Katsuki, but takes a sidekick to the stomach from him when he counterattacks. All Might immediately strikes him in the face with another punch, then Izumk hits him in the knee with her kick and twirls around to smash his chest.)

(Izuku remains on his feet as the former heroes come in again. He
catches Katsuki's hand before he can swipe him with his quirk and blocks Izumk's attack with his other arm, but this leaves him open to All Might, who blasts him with a barrage of fists to
his sternum. With Izuku stunnned, All Might steps back and delivers a sidekick to the sternum that knocks Izuku backward, sending him crashing hard to the ground.)

(For a moment, Izukj writhes on the floor, but struggles to his feet. The enemies remain in fighting stances. Izuku closes his eyes to focus... and hears the voice of Scorpion.)

Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu's pride flows within you. Let it fuel your fire.

(He opens his eyes again, and now they sparkle with fire. His face etched with fierce determination, Izuku looks to the heavens and roars with fury. Lightning strikes his body and
fire explodes out of it once more. He shifts into a fighting stance, dispelling the fire and electricity as the three villains charge him again.)

(All Might attacks first with a barrage of punches, but Izuku parries them all, as well as some strikes from Izumi. He then blocks a high kick from Bakugo and another from All Might,
dodging between strikes from Kitana's fans. He grabs Katsuki's hand as he tries to blow him away, then steps forward and judo throws him to the floor. Before he can recover he punches him in the face, knocking him unconscious.)

(Izuku then throws a roundhouse kick that counters a power strike from All Might,  blocks some more punches and lands a straight punch to Toshinori's face, sending him reeling back. Tarantula turns as to his side
as Izumi tries to flank him, deflecting her attacks with his fists and feet. He jump kicks her in the face, punches All Might again when he tries to charge in and blasts him in the chest with a fireball, knocking him down.)

(Izumi tries her luck against Izuku, but he combines Fire and Lightning and easily knocks her out.)

(Katsuki prepares to face Izuku.)

Tarantula: To think you became a villain...


(They fight. Even with Katsuki's powerful quirk years of battle experience, Tarantula had bested him before. And even with the power of Kronika, it proves to be no match for the Shirai Ryu Firebender that is Izuku Hasashi. Taking advantage
of his newfound abilities, he quickly finishes the fight and leaves Katsuki down on the ground.)

Tarantula: This is our last fight!

(Then All Might comes in)

All Might: The Shirai Ryu corrupted you...

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