Chapter 26: Rage Attack

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(Black Adam and Soldier :76 were about to take Cassie away, But Denki and Zuko come in and attack the duo with all rage.)

Denki: Leave her alone!!

(Zuko pins Soldier: 76 and starts angrily beating him as his mask breaks.)


(Then Jacqui comes in)

Jacqui: Hey, what are you doing?

Zuko: Back off!!

Jacqui: Hey, what's wrong?

(Jacqui notices Zuko's distorted voice. Then Zuko initially sees Jacqui, but the vision is replaced by Azula.)

Zuko: Sister?

Jacqui: Who, Azula?

Denki: So Aang couldn't stop you, huh?

Jacqui: What are you talking about?

(From the duo's point-of-view, although it's Jacqui's voice they hear, they still see Azula and evidently put more trust on what they see than what they hear.)

Zuko: You won't get away with this!

(Then the duo starts attacking. Knowing they wouldn't listen to her, Jacqui holds her own against the duo. They combine fire with lightning, overwhelming Jacqui. As they approach her, Jacqui uses her bionic arms and punch their bellies before slamming them down. As the melee ends, Raiden appears in a flash of lightning.]

Raiden: Enough! Explain yourselves.

Jacqui: I dunno what happened. They just attacked me.

(Cassie gets up as the rage seems to have been quelled. The same goes to Denki and Zuko.)

Cassie: They must have seen you as an enemy... a threat...

Denki: Hard to explain, huh?

Zuko: My apologies, Jacqui.

Jacqui: It's alright. You guys seem to have snapped out of it.

Raiden: They were most likely influenced by the same forces that have affected Tarantula.

(Tarantula now steps into view.)

Cassie: (hugs him) Izuku, my love! I'm so glad to see you're okay!

Denki: What happened to you, man?

Tarantula: I was captured by the invaders. Fortunately, Raiden rescued me.

Raiden: He was being held aboard that vessel.

[Raiden points to the night sky. The UN Space Station is visible, like a bright star.]

Cassie: I came here to find you, Raiden. I was attacked by two warriors. They retreated to that space station.

Raiden: I do not know from where these invaders come or who leads them, but it is clear that Earthrealm faces a grave new challenge. Our world is merging with another. I can feel it...

Izuku: But Shao Kahn was destroyed! We stopped him from merging Earthrealm with Outworld!

Raiden: The Emperor may still live, and these new warriors may be his reinforcements.

Jacqui: Then let's do something about it! Cassie, let's get back to the base. We can mount a counter-attack from there.

(The Special Forces base. The young members are walking through it towards the techno-portal.)

Jacqui: When I got to the graveyard, you and Zuko were already gone. I did find some guy with a sword and a shield though. I had him med-evaced to the infirmary, then I followed your signal to Raiden's temple. You gotta stop running off like that, Cassie; we're a team.

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