It Took You Too Soon My Brother

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I don’t know where to start or where to

proceed, my thoughts are in a rapid motion

and I can not keep up anymore. So weak

I have become, sad and guilty too. Each

day seems so long and yet life is so short.

If I could I’d give you mine; you were of

more importance to this world than I ever

will be. Not even a picture with you do I

have left, always saying we’ll take it one

day. Well, now we’ll never get to take it,

and that one day will just remain to be one

day. I keep having flashbacks of our time

together, some good times those were. How

I wish I had just one more of those, one is

all I ask for; so I can take you for a

swim, a jog, a gym session, a night out at

your favourite spot. So I can give you that

one girl’s number, introduce you to her, help

you get her, help you overcome your

shyness, put the words where you put the

smile. Truth now is, I can’t get even a

second more, and we’ll never get to do all

that, not in this world. This confusion has

really got me. My eyes filled with tears, no

reason to get excited anymore. Life is such

a joker! Man, I miss you too much

already, there’s an emptyness that can’t be

filled in me. I should’ve been there for you

and with you like you were for me, but it’s

over now. I never was that good friend to

the end, I let money come between us. The

most worthless of things drove me further

apart and I wasn’t there when you needed

me. Now I need you more, but I can’t

have you. I don’t have a voice anymore,

I’m sorry. If only I made the time for

you, to come be with you, maybe I would

feel better than I am now. Maybe I I would’ve

gotten to say goodbye, and a proper one for

that matter. I hope your last thought of me

was of the good person I was. You’ll never

forgive me, never hit me with your gigantor

hands. You’ll not hear her voice again. I

talked to her today, relayed the news, and

she was deeply saddened. Turns out, she

liked you too, she just was waiting for you

to make your move. Oh how I laughed at

you when you couldn’t walk up to her, you

never took offense, those were good times.

Now everytime I walk past my gym I

think of you, I hear you telling me you

want to come with me. I wish you were

able to. You will always be there in my

heart, I love you so. When I was feeling

weak you made me strong, you were

always the one for me at the time, I love

you so. I’ll miss carrying your stuff around

for you, hitting you when I felt like it,

sitting next to you, listening to you talk and

say the weirdest of things. You were one

interesting chap. The fight in me has gone

with you, now I might be beyond repair,

my next step is unclear. You’re needed

here, at least for closure. The tears I cry

won’t bring you back, but every time I

close my eyes I see that face and shed a

tear. I’ll be there on that day to say my

goodbye. I’ll make it count for my sake,

you don’t know what’s going on anyway.

See you then brother. I’ll take care of

myself for you till then and past. There

must be some kind of way out.

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