Think About It

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‘Life is too short,’ I was fond of saying,
Little did I know that wasn’t the case,
It’s just the right amount of short, one
we can enjoy,
Meaning or the lack thereof is what brings
about this feeling,
Get that and life isn’t short, no, it’s not
even worth the count,
The thrill of living, the excitement, is not
knowing if you’ll make it,
That’s the whole point of it all,
Without an end, what is the point of a
I know there’s a future hope for a life
with no end, but that’s another thing,
Picture that in this day and age with all
we have to bear on a daily,
How would it be? How would you like it?
Can you imagine a car with only a start
button and no stop?
Would you buy that car unless you had a
gasoline rig with an unlimited supply?
Even with that you still would prefer not
to buy it,
You wouldn’t have the will to keep filling
your tank up every few days at most,
It would be another expense to move
around with the whole rig,
It’s almost an impossibility to, it’s too
Now, consider your life as the car, your
constant troubles as the unending fuel
Your body as the source of the fuel, and
whatever your brain as the start button,
Mind you the car has only a start button,
The day you’re born is the day the car is
Your troubles keep you fueled because
the just don’t seem to ever end,
You have to carry them all, some in your
brain and some in your body,
Not so fun now, is it?
Let’s now give you a stop button, let’s
call it sleep,
For a few hours every twenty four you
get to switch the car off, you get to be
without your troubles,
Let’s give you a time period or more or
less a validity date,
When you get too old and can’t be
serviced anymore, you’re faced out,
All so you don’t have to keep breaking
down on the freeway,
Then let’s give you a warranty – in the
sense that you can be replaced,
You can be made new from scratch as
that same exact car,
Sounds better, doesn’t it?
But really, it isn’t better, it’s just the
same car with a few glitches fixed and a
few side effects as a result,
It’s not as appealing but given the
thought of the first car, the second one is
definitely better,
That’s just life, not as good as it should
But with the though of how bad it
could’ve been, it’s definitely better right
Now go back to your reciept and look at
the warranty and tell me,
Is it not just what you want?
I mean, you could have been given a
guarantee (the option to get your car
fixed every time it breaks down or
develops a problem),
But given the warranty (the option to
maintain the car as is for only a period,
then get a brand new one once the
current one is faced out), which would you
go for?
I would personally go for the later, it’s
much better than the latter,
Fifty years with one car isn’t such a raw
deal if you find and maintain a meaning for
the car, give it a purpose and stick to it,
And guess what, after that, you’ll have a
brand new one, probably one that won’t
have any glitch,
With today’s technology, things are being
made to a high standard,
Imagine how it will be by the time the
fifty years expire, they’ll be made to
Wouldn’t you want that? I know I would,
So, no, life is just fine where it is for now,
let’s look foward to a limited number of
tomorrows as we live through today,
There’s no better way, I can see that
clearly now.

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