Cold or Sad?

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Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.
Don't believe me? Listen to this.

There once was this young man who had the privilege of walking the face of the earth. For the sake of this story, let's call him Jack.
Jack was considered to be the meanest kid in town and every other person would stay away from him. This led him to lead a solitary life that revolved just around him. He broke girls' hearts so much it almost seemed like a hobby, he derived fun from suffering (it was unknown whether it was his or other's suffering that brought him such dark joy). The boy was everything God took to create. Don't get me wrong, he was handsome, smart, witty and probably even charming to the eye. There was just something about him that got people going. If and when you were fortunate to catch a glimpse of him, he was all you'd want to see. Often times people only got to do just that - see. He was very reserved, quite the opposite of what someone his type would do. Before people got to hear him say a word, the stories about him would get to them. It was said he was not one to be around. He was related to petty crimes, marijuana smoking, drunken bouts, mistreating the female kind and all sorts of other things. Uncanny he was; but in my opinion, there just was nobody to hear him out, to give him a chance. He had an intriguing personality, the kind you could not get enough of once you got, trust me - I met the guy. Thing is, you never really got to that point. There was always that beastly vibe emanating from him that would ward everyone off, his own family included. He ran away from home in his early teens, went and got entangled with the wrong crowd, became a typical bad boy and just went from bad to worse. He became a known criminal and was quite sought after by the authorities. His inner genius is what kept him going despite all this. He managed to mastermind some of the biggest heists in his village and yet play so innocent. One day as Jack was sitting on his porch he saw a pretty woman, considerably older than him but he wanted her anyway. And he was used to getting what he wanted. He called for her and had her come to his house where he would have the chance to meet her. She had no idea who he was as she was new in town. "Hello my lady, my name is Jack - Jack Woodside. I saw you passing by and just couldn't resist your beauty: those dazzling brown eyes, long curly hair and a figure that would make the devil call out in the Lord's name. It was all simply breathtaking!" (She stood there in awe wondering what had just hit her as Jack paused to take a look at her as if to examine her.) "Where are my manners?" asked Jack. "How could I forget to ask such a pretty lady for her name? It's almost likened to reading a book with no words!" "I - I'm Caitline, Caitline Adams, nice to meet you," she said. Gasping for air as if she had lost control of her breathing. "Oh no, the pleasure is all mine!" He said smiling. Little did he know, him and her was never going to happen. Days became weeks which in turn became months. And in all this while he had seen very little of her. Till one day he asked her out to dinner and his attempt was futile. For a man who always got his way, this did not sit well with him. Well, after some time she warmed up to him and they started going out. They became the talk of the town so to speak. That was a first of many times they came up in different conversations. They, and especially he, had happiness. But this was short lived as he one day found out she was cheating on him. She even was three months in with child. He wondered if all his life was a lie. This had happened to hime time and time again but this did not make it any easier if not much worse. He was devastated. He lived his father's life from then on, and carried his heart in his hand. Only this time, it was made of stone. He went on a rampage to lay with any and every girl he saw. And each girl that he wanted after that, he got. He didn't care. A ruthless man he became, one with no mercy; that combined with no fear made him even worse. With nothing to lose he went around tarnishing people's names and lives all the same. He would steal and kill just to prove a point. He had an army of followers behind him; they almost worshipped him. Preach money and power to any homeless or ill-treated boy and you would have him at your disposal. This he did to the fullest. He took away innocent mother's children and killed their father's, he burned their houses and watched them cry. He tortured anyone he didn't like, and the list was long. He laughed at their pain and enjoyed their misery like a rare delicacy from the Native American villages. But, he was not always this way. Let's go back to the beginning and see where all this started creeping into him.
He was just a normal boy from a normal family with normal friends, normal dreams etcetera etcetera. He basically had a normal boring routine life, like most of us are, right up until his father tried to kill him. His father would come home often times drunk and would say the worst of thing to poor young Jack. He would call him names of sorts and make him do things unspeakable of during the day. Jack had to go through this every other day for just over thirteen years. He had scars for each of these days. His body had no more space for crying out loud. Now they would just pile one ontop of the other. Apart from his face and physique, he had nothing else good going for him. Nobody around him wanted him. He slowly became an outcast of sorts. His life became such a misery. Each day he woke up he was in for another taste of hell. You know how you wake up from a nightmare and be relieved you woke up? Well he didn't want to wake up. He always was having a much better time asleep. And that's really sad. He woke up into a nightmare every literal day. Till one day, he up and left; killed all his father's dogs and stitched his father's mouth shut.

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