Episode 7: Ask A Cadet #2

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Hanji: Hello and welcome to the Hanji and Eren show!!

Eren: Today me and Hanji we playing Ask a Cadet again..

Hanji: Today's victim...uhm...I mean..."Cadet"...is Connie Springer

Connie: *Waves* Hello!....wait victim?

Hanji: So Connie first question....Do you wear wigs?

Connie: Um....no why would I

Eren: Because Your bald

Connie: What? I am not bald!....

Eren: Oh right right....its called a uh.....buzz cut? I think

Hanji: More like another word for bald....I think bald people just use that word as an excuse

Connie: No really! See feel my head there is hair!

Hanji: *Rubs Connies Head* Hmmm.....No I still think your bald anywayssss....

Eren: *Rubs Connies head* Hmmmmm

Hanji: Anywayysss...Connie are you....All About That Bass?

Connie: Uh.....what?

Hanji: I know you lie cause your lips are moving

Connie: Wait but thats not fair! My lips have to move to talk! Im not lying!!

Eren: *Continues to rub Connies head* Hmmm


Hanji: Do you like spiders?

Connie: What? No..who does

Hanji: *Throws bucket of spiders on Connie*

Connie: *Screams to death* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH *Runs Away*

Hanji: Hmmm...soo maybe he wasnt lying....

Eren: He told you he didnt like spiders

Hanji: Yes but because of Meghan Trainor I thought he was lying  beccause his lips were moving....

Eren: .....Its just a song you know that right?......Hanji?............................Hanji?

A/N: Yea so...thats what happens when you have Meghan Trainor songs stuck in your head.....If you dont know the song All About That Bass or Lips Are Moving by Meghan Trainor.....then consider yourself lucky because after a while its VERY annoying.....soooo as chu know I own Nothing......Thank you meh Bookers for reading and voting and commenting.....If chu want....Ill make a one-shot for ya.....but I probly won't.......I decided to call you Bookers but I just realized Bookers rhymes with Hookers....xDD I dont think you guys are Hookers sooooo....You are now Called TitanSkittles...ENJOY Iz will update later

(/^3^)/ ~ Byeeeeee

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