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-Muscle disease
-(Child) abuse (blood/bruises)

George's POV


I got pulled with my dad after we left at Clay's place and he basically pushed me inside of our house. I fell down on the ground and my dad stood in front of me as he lifted me up, just to push me against the wall.

'You made a fool of all of us. You have to complain again, I literally can't stand you.'

Before I could say anything, his fist hit my face again. This time he hit my jaw and I immediately felt metallic taste fill my mouth. I had the urge to spit it out, but swallowed it instead to not make my dad even madder at me. I got hit again, this time in my stomach. I winced as I collapsed on the ground.

My dad grabbed my arms and squeezed it tightly as he hit me again, this time against my nose. I crawled up, being extremely hurt by what my dad caused me. But to be fair, I was even more hurt by mum who was just watching me getting beaten up by my dad.


I managed to stand up and struggled to walk to the stairs as I crawled up them a little later. I went upstairs, straight to the bathroom as I started crying quietly. I was so weak, I had so much pain and I was so incredibly sad. I spit some of the blood in my mouth out in the sink and washed it away as I sat down on the edge of the bathtub while crying.

I sat like this for minutes long until I heard someone knock on the door.

'W-what?' I muttered.

My sister opened the door and walked in. 'Are you okay?'

I shrugged and she sat down next to me, grabbing my hand. 'I'm sorry that dad does this to you, can I help?'

I shrugged again and leaned against the wall as the metallic taste came back in my mouth. I managed to lift myself up and spit the blood in my mouth out in the sink again, washing it away with some water.


'I'm going to my room,' I whispered. I didn't want her to see me cry.

I walked away with tears rolling down my face, going to my room quickly. I could hear my sister run after me, but even though I tried to be alone, I still let her come into my room.

'I'm sorry for not sticking up for you earlier, George. Come here,' she said as she opened her arms to hug me.

I was a bit distant and rejected the hug, but instead she hugged me back tightly. I gave up fighting against it and wrapped my arms around her neck as I cried softly. 'He hurts me so much,' I whispered. 'I have to go back to school on Monday and my whole face is bruised.'

'I have some makeup, we could try to hide it together if you want to?'

I nodded. 'We can try tomorrow.'

'Where are you hurt?'

'My face, arm and my stomach.'

'Is there anything I could do to help?'

'I'm already happy that you don't call me dumb and an idiot anymore.'

'I'm sorry for that, I guess I'm also just scared for dad to hit me. That's selfish of me, I apologise for that. I should stand up for you when dad hits you.'

I smiled shortly. 'It's fine, I just want to be believed, that's all.'

'With your muscles and such?'

I nodded slowly. 'Just leave it, you don't believe me either.'

'I do believe you, I'm just uneducated about it. What do you think it might be?'

'This might sound dumb, but I think I have a muscle disease or whatever.'

'Is that dangerous?'

'If you leave it untreated, then it's definitely dangerous. My heart and lung muscles will also get weaker if I have a muscle disease.'

'What symptoms do you have now?'

'I have a lot of pain, but I'm mostly very weak. I fall a lot and everything is just weaker than it was before. I can't even stand up normally, I can't lift things. It's not because I don't do sports, I'm not weak because of that.'

'I believe you. You've also lost weight, haven't you?'

I nodded. 'I think so, my muscles are wasting away. I don't have anything left.'

'I'm so sorry for being mean to you.'

'It's fine, I just hope that that new family might realise what's going on. I saw Clay's brother staring at me when I lied about walking against a door. I hope he suspects something and that he will do something about it, because I can't deal with this for any longer now. Dad has always hit me, but it gets worse. I know it's my fault, but I'm not that bad of a kid, right?'

'It's not your fault, dad is abusive. He doesn't have a reason to hit you.'

'He does, because I don't listen to him. Actually, it might be just normal for parents to hit their kids. Of course Clay and his family aren't going to do anything to help me. They get hit too.'

'No, George. It's not normal to get hit by your parents, dad isn't allowed to hit you. No matter what you do, he's in the wrong here.'

'But I don't listen.'

'So? Then it's not allowed to beat the shit out of your son who can barely walk after that anymore. I've never seen people with bruised eyes and and arms, because they didn't listen to their dad. If it was something normal, dad wouldn't have been this secretive about it. You're not allowed to tell this to anyone, right? That's because this not normal. And he knows that.'

I shrugged and nodded after. 'Maybe it's not normal, but I don't know how to stop it either. He won't stop as long as I do anything against his will.'

'I will help you next time, I love you. You're my brother and I will always love you. I'm sorry for being mean, I'd rather get hit than have my brother get beaten up every time.'

1045 words

George's dad was mad at George for talking about his muscles and beat him up. His sister came to help George afterwards.

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