02. Damn Death Eaters

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The night sky had turned the darkest shade of black imaginable, as did all the shadows surrounding her. She couldn't see where she was going. All she knew was that she was running for her life through the dark forest— the forest filled with magical monsters and dark beings that trailed after her.

Her breathing was perplexed as she looked behind her, running as fast as she could through the tangled mess of branches and shrubs. They were gaining on her, and fast.

She could barely see a foot in front of her, let alone tell where she was going, but they were on her heel and she couldn't slow down. Not now.

Elle willed herself to keep going, her lungs burning and body aching from exhaustion after running for what seemed like miles. The darkness was closing in on her, as were the cloaked beings behind her. She was running out of breath and running out of time.

She made a sharp turn and pressed herself tightly against a tree, hoping it would shield her from their sight. All around her, sounds erupted from the darkness, along with a familiar whisper in the wind.

"Run, Elle. They are coming."

There were dozens of death eaters closing in around the tree. But, as she went to run again, she felt something rough wrap around both of her wrists, binding her arms to either side of the tree.

Panic erupted through her body, and she yelped as the bindings tightened against her wrists. Her wand was useless at this point as they began to walk agonizingly closer. They had found her.

Even still, she tried to wriggle free, but it was no use. She was utterly fucked. Elle cried out as a death eater approached her, and stopped a few feet in front of her. Her heart almost gave out from fear as they removed their mask. It was a man she hadn't ever seen before.

Before she could even cry out for help, he shouted the killing curse and the bright blue light shot straight into her chest.

Elle bolted straight up in her bed, her breathing ragged as she peered around her dark bedroom. It was only a nightmare, calm down, Elle. Calm down. She ran a hand down her face and steadied her breathing, only then noticing she was covered in a cold sweat, which chilled her despite the mess of bedsheets tangled around her body.

Something didn't feel right, but it may have had to do with the fact that her heart was racing a million miles per second against her rib cage. Nightmares weren't an uncommon occurrence for Elle— but they had become more frequent over the past few months.

Each one sent chills down her spine, and they all seemed to have the same plot. She was always running from someone or something, more often than not it was a death eater— surely her new profound boggart after Sirius' death. But this dream? It had felt so real, and even though she was now wide awake, she could still hear that whisper clear as day.

Run, Elle. They are coming.

She decided she didn't want to think about the whisper, which only added to the list of reasons she wasn't going to be able to rest again for the night. Who needs sleep anyway?


She was half tempted to pull the covers over her head and disappear after a deafening crack of thunder shook the cabin walls, which was soon followed by more... the storm hadn't let up at all, much to her dismay.

"Bloody fantastic." She mumbled to herself as a sudden flash of lightning seeped in through the crack of her curtains and illuminated the room.

Knowing she wasn't going to be getting much sleep anytime soon, she grabbed her wand from underneath her pillow and slipped on her shoes to walk across the cold floorboards to her window.

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