14. The Potion

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Whilst George and Fred were down in the joke shop working with Lee and unfortunately the Veela, Elle had spent hours on end diving into the books they had borrowed from the library, along with some potions books as well.

She was hellbent on finding the answer she was looking for even though her eyes were becoming heavier by the minute and exhaustion was quickly taking over.

She'd read every single word in each book, only stopping when she came to a promising section in the potions book, more specifically a paragraph on how to brew a potion that could stop the effects of Veela magic.

Elle meant to continue on and dive right into brewing the potion herself the very second her eyes landed on it, but her sleepiness got the best of her and she drifted off to sleep with the book in hand, knowing that they were one step closer.

"Well, that's it then," Fred clapped George on the shoulder, "Closing up shop till after Halloween. Might I add, I think we sold a record of products over the past two weeks!"

"That we did, Freddie! Peeves would be proud." George smiled humbly at his twin. They had in fact sold an absurd amount leading up to Halloween, but that wasn't a surprise considering it was the ideal pranking holiday.

They didn't exactly have the time for well plotted pranks since the opening of their dream shop, but he didn't even mind. To be honest, he had much more on his mind than pranking. His head was merely consumed by thoughts of the beautiful girl waiting for him up in their flat, it'd been that way for months, but he didn't mind. He didn't mind at all.

It didn't matter what he was doing, he could be helping a customer pick out candies and his mind would wander to her, thinking about how Fizzing Whizzbees were her favorite— how she preferred red jellybeans over green. Or when he'd notice a wizard wearing Elle's favorite color, purple, and immediately thought back to that summer at the burrow when she wore that exact color sundress. She looked so beautiful in it, and she didn't even know it.

"George?" Fred's voice snapped George out of his thoughts and he glanced at his twin who was wearing a smirk. "You're doing it again, you know, mate."

"Doing what?"

"Zoning out," he crossed his arms, "you've been doing that an awful lot lately. Something on your mind? Or a certain someone more specifically?" Fred wiggled his eyebrows and George grabbed a nearby rag to wipe the countertop.

"I don't know what you're talking about," George shrugged absentmindedly.

"Fuck, you've got it really bad for her, George," Fred smiled at him with a knowing look. "Are you planning on telling her?"

George didn't want to admit it out loud, but he knew Fred could read him like an open book. He didn't know how to say it, but the truth was, he was falling for her, and he was falling hard.

"Don't say anything, Freddie," George shot him a warning look, "Now isn't the right time, whether I've got it bad for her or not. We've got a problem to get rid of first."

George glanced across the shop to where Juliette was mopping the floor and Fred followed his gaze. They needed to do something about the Veela before things took a turn for the worst. He wasn't about to lose the girl he wanted over the girl who wanted him.

"There's got to be something— a spell, a potion, something that we can use against her." George tore his gaze away and concentrated on cleaning the counter.

"We'll find something, I'm sure of it." Fred gave his twin a reassuring smile as Juliette made her way over to the counter and leaned against it.

"Hey, boys," Juliette winked at both twins and Fred glared at her as she pressed further onto the counter, pushing up her boobs purposely, "Need any help?"

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