19. Roses

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The week following the playful events of Halloween night was the most calming and normal things had been in months. Elle found herself smiling more as the week flew by, soaking in every moment she had with George, Fred, Alicia, and Lee.

It was far less stressful without the Veela there to tear them apart, and it seemed that the events of that night had only brought them all closer together. Lee was back to his usual crazy, charismatic self, and had even gotten back into pranking. Earlier on in the week, he'd scared the wits out of Elle and George by sneaking into George's room while they were still sleeping, and setting off firecrackers under their sheets.

George had jumped up at the sudden cracking and chased Lee around the flat for a good ten minutes in his boxers before he'd caught up to him, only to have Lee make fun of him for having morning wood.

Elle had a good laugh at the matter, and George had later gotten him back during the work day, when he released a handful of Tickling Pixies down his pants.
Lee had bursted into a fit of laughter in a matter of seconds, thrashing and yelling (not to mention getting some questionable looks from customers), and had to run up to the flat to rid his pants of them.

She was so happy to see Lee finally back to himself, although it definitely helped that he was now talking to someone— Jillian, to be exact. After the night of the party, they'd kept in touch by owl almost daily and as it turns out, they had far more in common than they would have ever thought. Lee and Jillian had a date this weekend, and Lee was a nervous but excited bundle of nerves.

Elle was casting an abundance of items onto the upper shelves, when she heard Lee approach her with yet again a bundle of questions about his date on Saturday night.

"Alright, so Jillian said her favorite color was red— do you reckon I should wear something red then? Wait, but if she wears something red— fuck, she would look stunning in red— I don't want her to think I'm trying to match her, you know?"

"Lee," Elle laughed, turning around to face him, "First, take a breath before you forget to," Lee did so and Elle giggled to herself before continuing, "Don't wear red, buy her red roses instead. She'll love them. This is your first date with her, you don't have to go all out, Lee. Roses are a simple but beautiful gesture, it shows her you want to put forth the effort, but you're not being over the top."

Lee nodded enthusiastically as he repeated her words to himself, "Roses— okay, roses. I can do roses. Where do I buy roses?"

"Ms. Filworth's Flower Shop," Elle said, "Just down the end of the alley on the far left, you can't miss it."

"Alright, roses— roses." Lee was clearly taking mental notes, and was obviously a bit nervous. Elle thought it was adorable, she'd never seen him so nervous for a first date, and he'd been on quite a few.

"You know, Lee, I don't think I've ever seen you so nervous for a date before." Elle smirked at him and Lee returned a cheeky smile.

"Believe me, me either. I didn't think it was possible to be this nervous for a bloody date. We're only going to dinner for fucks sake, and my hands are already sweaty, see?" Lee held his hands out for Elle to see them glistening with a thin layer of sweat.

Elle smiled, "You have nothing to be nervous about, Lee. This girl is clearly already crazy about you— as she should be, because you're Lee-fucking-Jordan. You're amazing, and you're a great guy."

That was clearly the confidence booster Lee needed to hear, because he straightened up and smiled, "You know what, you're right. You're right, I am Lee FUCKING Jordan! Ladies man and pussy killer—"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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