07. Movie Night

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Taking a long glance in the lavatory mirror, Elle tied her hair up into yet another ponytail, frowning at the result every time she did.

Her hair wasn't cooperating in the least, and what bothered her even more was the fact that she never worried about what her hair looked like, let alone spent so much time trying to tie it up.

Since when did she care how perfect a ponytail looked? Up was up. They were only going to watch a movie after all, it would be dark in the living room and nobody would be able to notice if her hair was out of place, anyways.

Elle sighed as she took her hair out and let it fall loosely in curls over her shoulders, having given up on the process all together. She knew why she was being so anal about it and it was all George's fault. She wanted to look decent for him...

Her day had consisted of stolen glances and flirty run ins with George down in the shop, and even though they were the smallest of gestures, it was enough to make her heart beat out of her chest every time he looked her way, every time he smiled that dumb smile of his and it made her stomach flutter.

He had practically been fucking her with his eyes all day, and Elle would have been lying if she said she wasn't doing the same to him. She was going to go through the loop if nothing was done about it, and it didn't help that the words he spoke to her earlier kept replaying in her head, making her wonder what was to come.

We'll pick up where we left off later, yeah?

Sweet mother of god, she had been waiting all day for later to come, and it was finally here. Only now that it was, she was a mess of nerves and just a mess in a general after fooling around with her hair for a good twenty minutes.

Elle had chosen a pair of sweats and a baggy t-shirt, and she knew it may not have been the hottest thing to wear if they were going to pick up where they left off, but the only thing on her mind was giving him easier access if they did get up to anything. Damn him.

She made her way out of her room, welcomed by the sweet aroma of buttery popcorn and warm butterbeer as she approached Alicia at the counter, who was currently whisking together the last of their drinks.

"Hey, sweet thing," Alicia gave her a smile as she poured the golden liquid into four separate glasses and topped it off with whipped cream.

Elle glanced back at the living room where George and Fred were conversing in an argument that sounded movie related, more than likely fighting over what kind of movie to watch.

The nerves returned to her stomach as she saw George's smile light up from the roaring firelight, and she chewed nervously on her bottom lip.

Jesus, Elle. Get it together.

"You alright?" Alicia squinted her eyebrows and followed Elle's gaze, making her smile afterwards. "Oh, I see. Feeling a bit nervous, are we?" She was sure to keep her voice down so neither of the boys could hear their conversation.

Elle shrugged, "I think I'm going crazy. I can't even look at him without feeling nervous— maybe I'm coming down with something."

"Honey," Alicia shook her head and smirked at Elle, "You have a crush and you're horny. A bit of a tricky combination, but also the best kind of feeling if you ask me."

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