08. Breadsticks

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When Elle drifted off to sleep after her amazing night with George, she thought that she was about to have one of the best nights sleep she's gotten in quite some time. How could she not when she'd fallen into such a state of euphoria that was far past her comprehension?

But, despite her sweet thoughts of her night with that red headed boy, it turned out to be just the opposite when she had another daunting nightmare.

She had woken up in a panic around 4am, her forehead beaded with sweat as she peered around her bedroom. It had taken her a short while to finally steady her ragged breathing and heart back to their normal rate, and ever since then she had been staring blankly at the ceiling.

As exhausted as she was, she dared not drift back to sleep in fear that if she did, the nightmare would occur again, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to relive it. Once was enough.

This nightmare had been almost as terrifying as the ones she had before the attack on the cabin— the same whisper calling out to her just like before only this time, it's warnings were far more unsettling.

She was being chased by death eaters whilst spells were being thrown at her left and right. She had just barely dodged a few of the curses, one grazing her left arm as she ran.

All around her were the familiar voices of those she held closest, Remus, George, Tonks, Sirius... she could hear them in the distance, around her, but they were nowhere in sight. She knew she needed to find them before it was too late.

Elle willed herself to keep going, knowing that if she were to be caught, she'd never have a chance to save them. But just when she thought she had made enough headway, she felt the ground itself shift from underneath her feet and she was sent tumbling down a steep hill.

It took a few moments to collect herself after receiving several cuts and bruises on the way down, but when she finally had the strength to get back to her feet, she felt thorny vines wrapping around her limbs. They tightened around her limbs and neck as she gasped for air but couldn't get free.

Nowhere is safe anymore, Elle. Be careful of those around you. They are watching.

The deep familiar whisper blew through the wind just as the cloaked death eaters surrounded her, and that's when she woke up.

It was now 10am, and she was still staring at the ceiling, the dark circles under her eyes only becoming heavier with each blink.

As much as she tried to stop, she couldn't stop thinking about the whisper in her dream. More importantly, why did she keep hearing it every time her nightmares occurred? It was odd to think, but she couldn't help but wonder if the voice was trying to communicate with her— to warn her of the dangers to come.

Elle pushed the absurd thought out of her mind and willed herself to get ready for the day, despite the feeling that her eyes were being weighed down by bricks.

Afterwards, she made her way to the kitchen and poured herself a large cup of coffee, barely savoring the flavor as she downed nearly half of it in no time at all. If she couldn't run on sleep, she sure as hell was going to run on caffeine. It was better than nothing.

As she sipped her coffee, Elle grabbed a copy of The Daily Prophet that was lying on the kitchen island and picked it up, scanning the front page. Her chest tightened when she glanced at another article about the Dark Lord returning and the threats that were sure to come. It was something that had stuck in the headlines ever since the death of her dad.

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