💾 Chapter Fourteen 💾

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The sun leisurely began to rise over the dunes on the horizon as you and the other digidestined ventured back into the seemingly never ending desert.

After walking for several hours, you could feel a wave of exhaustion begin to cloud your mind. It felt like your body was operating on autopilot.

As you pushed yourself to keep climbing a particularly large sand dune, you could feel your eyelids grow heavy & just as you felt ready to collapse, you were suddenly jolted awake by the sound of a loud *thud* and a muffled hiss of pain from behind you.

Looking back, you could see Matt laying down, face first in the sand. Gabumon and T.K. Immediately grabbed ahold of the older boy and began helping him stand upright.

"Matt! What happened? Are you hurt!?"

Gabumon's ears laid flat against his head as he fretfully tugged on his partner's gloved hand.

Once Matt was back on his feet, he sluggishly rubbed the sand off his face and let out a tired sigh.

"Relax, bud. I'm alright, I just tripped on something, that's all..."

T.K. walked behind his brother and began to pilfer around in the sand until he found a large black cable barley poking out of the ground.

"Is this what you tripped on?"

By this point, the rest of the group had stopped walking and gathered around to look at the mysterious cord.

Joe crouched down and adjusted his glasses as he ran his hand across the newly uncovered cable.

"Who would leave something like this out in the middle of nowhere...?"

Sora tilted her head to the side as she stared at the cable in confusion.

"Do you think it's connected to anything?"

A brief moment of silent contemplation was shared amongst the group as you pondered the cable's existence.


The sound of a sharp cough and a suppressed giggle alerted you to the pink clad girl standing behind you.

Mimi's expression was practically oozing with determination. Her eyebrows were drawn together as a confident smile spread all the way across her face.

"If you all don't mind, we'll handle this one!"

Mimi looked down at her partner, who stood beside her, radiating the same confident energy.

"You ready for this, Palmon!?"

The plant digimon had a glimmer in her eye as she gave her partner a subtle nod.

The two immediately threw their hands into the air and struck a cheerleader-esque pose.


Mimi jumped into the air and cheered her partner on as Palmon quickly threw her hands down and began burying her claw-like roots into the sand.

A line of raised sand was swiftly drawn across the desert landscape, originating from the black cable laying in front of everyone.

Palmon scowled in concentration as she tightened her grip on the cord and took a step back, pulling it taut.

"I think I've gotta hold on something!"

Palmon began gritting her teeth as she pulled back against the cord. The plant digimon managed to walk a few steps backwards before a loud snapping noise was heard further out beyond the dunes.

Just as Palmon began to fall backwards in surprise, Mimi swooped down and caught her partner. Giggling in glee as she quickly stood up and twirled around with Palmon in tow.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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