💾 Chapter One 💾

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"Hey, get up!"

You jolted awake at the sound of an urgent voice. You looked at your partner through groggy eyes. He looked nervous, which was very unusual.

"Impmon? What's wrong?"

"I thought I heard somethin'..."

Impmon perked his ears up listening for any abnormal noise. You on the other hand, were struggling to get dressed. You knew that once Impmon was on to something, he wouldn't let go until he got to the bottom of it.

"Would ya be still for a second, I'm tryn'a listen!"

Before you could say anything back, you heard the noise loud and clear. It was a scream, a frightening one at that. You quickly grabbed your hat & ran out of the safety of your cave.

"Come on Impmon, it sounds like we've got some work to do!"

"Hey! Slow down, would ya!"

After running for what felt like forever you were met with a shocking sight. A large Tyrannomon was storming through the forest, however what startled you more than anything, was what the large digimon was storming towards. A child.

You stood frozen, not in fear, but in shock. It had been almost five years since you had seen another human. Before you could process the situation any further, you felt Impmon frantically tugging on your shirt.

"Come on toots, snap out of it! We got a fight ta' win if we wanna save that brat!"


You stumbled over your words as you grabbed your digivice from your back pocket.


The flash of bright pixelated lights caused the child to look over in awe.


As your partner digivolved into his champion form, the enraged Tyrannomon lunged forward towards the now distracted boy.

Without thinking you leaped towards the kid & grabbed him. Once you had the boy you looked back, only to see the Tyrannomon's foot where he once stood. You looked down at the child, at closer inspection you noticed him holding a small orange digimon. Neither of them looked to be in the best condition.


You looked back up to the battle at hand. A large dark cloud rumbled from above, lighting struck down on the Tyrannomon with great intensity and caused the digimon to step back.

"Wizardmon, we need to get out of here, finish him off!"


Wizardmon put his hands together and a ball of dark energy began to form.


He launched the projectile and hit the Tyrannomon right between the eyes. The opposing digimon roared in distress as horrible thoughts began to plague his mind. Wizardmon looked over to you.

"Let's go, while he's still distracted!"

You looked back down at the child, both he and his digimon were now unconscious. You lifted them up into your arms and held on tightly as you ran back to your cave.

Once you got back to your temporary home. You laid the two of them down and silently began to tend to their injuries, while Wizardmon started a fire to keep the four of you warm.

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