💾 Chapter Three 💾

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*sniff sniff*

You groggily woke up, slowly opening your eyes and immediately noticing how sore you were. At some point during your painful decent down the stairs you must have passed out.

You tried to stand, but to no avail. It was as though you had no strength to lift yourself up.

Suddenly, you felt something soft rubbing against your hand. Looking to your left you saw a small ball of purple fur.


Immediately the small ball jumped back.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..."

Now that you had a better view of the creature, you could see it had two cat-like ears and tiny green eyes.

Once again, you attempted to stand up, which only resulted in you falling back down to the soft grass below you.

The small creature made a loud whimpering noise and moved closer towards you. You put your hand on its head and lightly began scratching behind its ears.

Considering you were unable to get up or move around, you decided to take the opportunity to check your surroundings. You could still see the large stair case, however it was now leading up, into the sky. This confused you to no end, but you figured it would be best to ignore the stairs for a while.

You must have landed in someone's back yard. A tall fence, lined with trees, surrounded the perimeter. To your left, you could see a large stream of water with a bridge connecting to a small patch of land on the other side.

"Well... it looks like someone decided to drop by rather early"

You quickly turned your head to the right and came face to face with a strange old man in an odd looking robe. He had a large nose which sported a bushy grey mustache underneath it. The man had little no to hair, aside from a small ponytail.

You hesitated before shyly asking "early for what?"

"Well, that's hard to say. You never know what great tragedy will plague this land next, first it was Piedimon, then it was Apocalymon, God only knows what horrors you and your friends will have to confront!"

You looked at the man with the most confused face you could muster.


The man shook his head and waved his hand in a dismissive manner, before continuing his rambling.

"Oh never mind, you'll figure it out soon enough. Now that your here, we might as well get you situated."

The strange old man slowly walked over to you and knelt down beside you & the small creature.

"Can you walk?"

He must have seen your earlier attempt to stand.

You shook your head 'no' & sat still as the man slowly put his arms under you before gently lifting you up.

"Come along Kiimon."

You gave the man another confused look before questioning him.


The man glanced down at you before nodding his head towards the small purple fuzz ball that was currently trailing behind the two of you.

"Kiimon, he hatched just a few days ago, he's your digimon partner. He'll protect you from any danger you may face here in the digital world."

By this point your face was beginning to hurt from being locked in the same confused expression for so long.

The man walked into his house and gently sat you on a large Futon before walking off into another part of the house.

Once Kiimon finally caught up with the two of you, he quickly jumped into your lap & began rubbing the top of his head against your hand. You picked Kiimon up & began turn him in all different directions in order to fully inspect the little creature.

"How in the world are you supposed to protect me...?"

Immediately, as if on command, Kiimon shot out a stream of iridescent bubbles. You giggled as the bubbles flew around the two of you.

Soon afterwards the old man came back into the room carrying a tray of tea and some herbs. After drinking a small cup of tea the older man introduced himself. His name was Gennai. Gennai then went on to answer some of your more pressing questions.

In the span of five minute conversation, you learned that you were in the digital world and that your destiny was to defeat the evil of this world with a group of kids called the digidestined.

Of course after hearing this you immediately realized that you must have been dreaming, either that or Gennai had put something weird in your tea...

You looked outside to see the sun setting and, with less difficulty than before, stood up.

"I'd better get back home before dark or granny might get worried."

Weather this whole encounter was a dream or not, you knew better than to upset your grandmother. You quickly gave Kiimon a pat on the head before looking back to Gennai.

"Thank you for the tea and for letting me stay so late. I hope I can come visit you again sir."

You gave Gennai a polite bow before turning towards the stairs. Before you could start to walk away Gennai lightly grabbed you shoulder.

"(Y/N) before you go, I'd like you to have something..."

Gennai reached into his pocket and pulled out a small square shaped device.

"Whoa... what is this?"

Gennai gently placed the device in your hand. The gadget was light brown and had three yellow buttons that surrounded a blank screen.

"This is your digivice, it will allow you to keep in contact with Kiimon while you're away and who knows, it might even come in handy for the future."

With that Gennai patted your shoulder and sent you on your way.



*Snap Snap*

"Hello!? Digiworld to (Y/N)! I swear... are you even listenin' to me?"

You jumped in surprise. Quickly trying to remember your precious conversation with Impmon.

"Sorry, I guess I just got caught up with some old memories..."

Impmon shook his head and gave you a tired smile.

"Geez kid, what am I gonna do wit you?"

You laughed and reached over to rub Impmon's head.


Instantly the two of you froze at the sound of a gasp behind you. You slowly turned around, only to see the small boy and his digimon sitting up and watching you with a shocked expression.

"W-who are you?"

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