💾 Chapter Seven 💾

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Without removing your head from your pillow, you begrudgingly stretched your arm out & aimlessly felt around for your alarm clock.

Your eyes shot open at the unfamiliar feeling of something squishy.


It was a small Poyomon who was now wiggling under your heavy hand.

You removed your hand and slowly began to rub the sleep from your eyes.

*yawn* "sorry about that, lil guy."

You pulled your blanket closer to you & just as you were snuggling back into the plush ground below you, your pillow started to move.

"Oh, come on!"

You bolted upright & turned around, only to see a fuzzy black blob with two yellow eyes starring back up at you.

Somehow a Botamon had managed to get in between you & your actual pillow.

You gently moved the baby digimon to the side, looking around you saw no one else inside the tent. Maybe if you stayed quiet, you could finally get back to sleep.

You slowly laid back down & waited in silence. You stared at the inside of you tent as you listened to your surroundings.

You could hear Elecmon & Patamon doing a head count of the baby digimon to the left side of the tent, while T.K. was congratulating one of the babies on digivolving towards the right side of the tent. As far as you could hear, there were no signs of Impmon...

You waited a few more minutes before finally relaxing and closing your eyes.


You groaned in protest as Impmon waltzed into the tent and began to pull the covers off of you.

"Up and at'em kiddo! We gotta new day ahead of us!"

"Ugggghhh... just a few more minutes..."

"No can do toots, we ain't gonna find tha rest of ya pals by sleepin' all day!"

You groggily sat up & watched as Impmon began cleaning the inside tent & neatly packing everything inside your backpack.

"Did ya finish mappin' this place out last night?"

It took you a few moments to register what your partner had asked you, & then it hit you.

Back when you & Impmon had first arrived on File Island, you came up with the idea to map out the places where you & Impmon had explored. Along side the map, you also kept a journal which went into more detail about the places you visited & digimon that inhabited the area.

You quickly reached underneath your pillow & grabbed your small leather bound journal. You flipped to the middle & pulled out a folded piece of paper. Once you had everything unfolded, you quickly scanned the paper, looking for last nights additions. Finally your eyes rested on a somewhat crude sketch of your current location.

"What did Elecmon call this place again?"

"Think he said...Primary Village?"

You quickly thanked your partner & jotted the name of the nursery underneath the drawing.

"Got any idea where we're headin' next?"

"Not a clue..."

You & Impmon hadn't explored this side of the island yet. You had no idea what was out here, or how potentially dangerous this side of the island could be. Not to mention, you had no idea where the rest of the digidestined were at either.

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