💾 Chapter Eleven 💾

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The Koromon had been nice enough to lead the eight of you through the savanna and into the desert. However, it wasn't long before the heat became to much for the tribe of in-training level digimon.

"So, where will you all go now?"

Looking back at your map, you took a moment to pinpoint your location and search for anything that could provide shelter throughout the upcoming journey.

"The desert in Server is enormous. It'll take us at least a week to cross on foot..."

"A WEEK!? how are we supposed to survive in the desert with barely any food and no where to sleep?"

You couldn't help but grimace as Joe began to hyperventilate.

"Well, it'll take even longer if we cut around the desert, and need I remind you that we're supposed to be looking for the crests!"

Izzy walked up beside you and began to analyze the map.

"What better place to hide something where it could easily be covered up by a never ending ocean of sand."

Matt stood beside Joe, helping him relax and handing him a bottle of water from the emergency bag.

"Alright, so how are we supposed to look for the crests? We can't just spend the next couple of days blindly digging holes and hoping we find something."

Tai idly held his tag up to the sun and smiled as light reflected off of the translucent crest.

"Well, once I got close to the crest of courage, my tag started glowing... maybe that's how we'll know if one's near by!"

Suddenly, Sora stood up and snapped her fingers, effectively getting everyone's attention.

"I've got it! We can just fly over the desert! If Biyomon and Tentomon digivolve, they can carry us across the desert and if anybody's tag starts glowing then we can stop and search for it together!"

You smiled at Sora and nodded your head in agreement.

"Great idea! We can spread out and cover more ground, that way we can conserve time and energy! Granted, we'll still need to look for shelter, but we won't have to waste an entire week traveling from point A to point B."

Joe took a few deep breaths to calm himself before speaking up.

"Not to rain on everyone's parade, but that still doesn't solve our food problem. We've got sixteen mouths to feed and only enough food to last a day or two..."

"That's where we come in!"

You all looked back to see a separate group of Koromon holding up a plethora of makeshift rucksacks.

"We wanted to thank you for helping us reclaim our village from those awful Pagumon, so while a small group of our tribe guided you through the savanna, the rest of us gathered as much food as we could find for you and your partners!"

Mimi quickly walked over and took a rucksack for herself and Palmon.

"Well these definitely aren't Gucci, but I appreciate the gesture."

Impmon strapped his rucksack across his back and grabbed another one for you.

"What about you Koromon eh? Where ya gonna go now that Etemon's destroyed your home?"

"Oh, don't worry about us, this isn't the first time we've had to rebuild and I'm certain it won't be the last time either."

Once everyone received their rucksacks, the eight of you said your goodbyes and split into three separate groups.

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