💾 Chapter Six 💾

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The sound of two trees crashing into each other could be heard for miles. The only thing matching it in volume was the roaring of a, once disturbed, now retreating digimon.

You waited a few moments to catch your breath before pushing your upper body off the soft grassy plain beneath you.

"Is *huff* everyone *puff* is everyone ok?"

Looking up, you saw T.K. lying on the ground a foot or two in front of you, his hat still covering his eyes.

"I-I think so."

Just as you were beginning to get up, something heavy fell onto your back causing you to fall back down.

"Oof! Hey, what's the big idea, ya two winged twerp!?"

Impmon slid off your back and shook his head from side to side trying to get the small chips of wood out of his fur.

You looked up towards the puffy clouded sky to see Patamon flying through the air, flying in little swirly patterns and loop de loops all while laughing.

"We did it T.K.! We're ok!"

You chuckled as you were finally able to push yourself off the ground, popping your back as stood up.

"You alright toots?"

"Ehh, I've felt worse. I'm just glad we all made it out in one piece."

Once Patamon had calmed down and T.K. came out of his hat, the four of you regrouped hoping to formulate a plan on what to do next.

"We can't stay here for long, and none of us have enough energy to keep going until sundown. We need to find shelter, the sooner the better."

Patamon flew up high to get a better view of your surroundings, he flew up above the three of you for a few minutes before finally swooping down near T.K..

"What about that place?"

The rest of you looked in the direction that Patamon was now pointing towards. It took a few minutes of squinting before you could see what the small orange digimon was talking about. You could vaguely make out the shape of what looked to be a cluster of several different skyscrapers.

T.K. smiled as he reached up to grab his partner.

"Great idea Patamon! Maybe we'll find Matt over there!"

"Well, I don't see any alternatives. We might as well get started."

The trip took about two hours in total, the four of you only stopping to inspect a lone set of train tracks.

There wasn't a station, nor a conductor, just a set of tracks that stretched out for miles on end.

Before any of you could cross the tracks, a strong gust of wind blew against the four of you, causing Patamon to get knocked backwards.

"Wait... where's the train?"

T.K. walked over and picked, the now swirly eyed, Patamon up. You listened as the faint sound of train cars bumping together grew distant.

"That must be the most quietest most invisiblest train ever."

You smiled at T.K.'s childish innocence, maybe the kid was handling being stuck in the digital world better than you thought.

"Come on you two, we need to keep moving!"

Along the way, the four of you managed to strike up a few interesting conversations.

"I think it's really cool that Impmon digivolves into Wizardmon! Can Wizardmon do any cool magic tricks?"

Without even looking at your partner, you knew he was smirking. You could practically feel wavelengths of his smug aura as you and T.K. spoke about his champion form.

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