💾 Chapter Two 💾

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Trying to get back to sleep turned out to be harder than you expected. You had way too many questions keeping you awake. How did this kid even get here?

To be honest, you weren't entirely sure how you got here either. Once you entered the digital world, the memories of your old life had started to slowly fade away. The only thing you could still remember about your previous life, were the camping trips your grandparents often took you on.

"You okay, Doll face?"

You looked over at your now de-digivolved partner, you could tell he was worried. Impmon always tended to make a big fuss over you.

You gave your partner a shrug and an unconvincing smile.

He walked over to you and let out a heavy sigh as he sat down on your lap. Instantly, you reached out your hand and began scratching the fur behind Impmon's ears.

"Listen, we still don't know what were really dealin' with yet. I mean, for all we know he could be some kinda digimon in disguise!"

You chuckled at your friend.

"I highly doubt that, besides what kind of digimon carries around their very own digivice & digimon partner..?"

"Maybe they're just good buds, ya'know I used ta pal around with this lil' betamon before I ever even met you."

"That's funny, I thought you were an egg before you met me."


You laughed as Impmon continued to ramble on & on about stories from his supposedly 'incredible' & 'adventurous' youth, but soon enough your mind began to wander.


The first time you landed in the digital world, you were only five years old.

At the time, you had no idea that you were in a completely different realm. For all you knew, this was just another part of your grandparent's extensive forest-like backyard that you had yet to discover.

So you set off, eager to explore your new surroundings. Nothing really seemed out of the ordinary, until you looked up & saw a bright blue light shining in the distance.

Even though a small part of you knew that going towards the light could be potentially dangerous, your adventurous nature and overactive curiosity pushed those thoughts aside & compelled you to keep moving forward.

Following the source of the mysterious light eventually led you to a shimmering lake. You could clearly see the blue beacon shining up into the sky from the center of the large body of water.

A light rumbling was heard as the ground beneath you began to shake. While trying to keep your balance, you looked back down to the lake and watched in awe as the water began to part.

As the water separated you could see a once hidden set of stairs that looked as though they could lead you to straight the bottom.

The ground shook harder & harder, which made you realize that it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain your sense of balance.

You tried in vain to move away from the stair case, but before you even realized what was happening, you were falling.

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