💾 Chapter Five 💾

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You had all decided that your best bet would be to retrace T.K.'s steps. Unfortunately, this meant the four of you would have to return to the area where you had previously fought Tyrannomon. It took some convincing, but after a small reassuring pep talk, the four of you started walking.

Along the way T.K. told you about how he and his friends ended up in the digital world.

You were surprised that all seven of them had been summoned to the digital world at the same time. What was it that made this group of campers qualified to be the next generation of digidestined?

Come to think of it, why were you chosen to become a digidestined?

From what Gennai had told you, each group of digidestined were chosen because of a shared connection to the digital world, but that didn't make any sense.

As far as you knew, you had never met T.K. before and he certainly wasn't with you when you came to the digital world for the first time, or any other time for that matter. So how could the two of you share a connection to the digital world?

You decided to push these thoughts to the back of your mind and focus on the task at hand.

"So, how did you and Patamon manage to get separated from the others?"

"It was all Devimon's fault!"

Immediately Impmon stopped walking and burst into a fit of laughter, causing the rest of your group to stop and look over in confusion.

"Are you kiddin me? Devimon ain't real, he's just some old myth to scare baby digimon so they'll pipe down!"

Patamon flapped his wings in frustration.

"It's true! Devimon tricked all of us into this huge mansion so he could split us apart!"

T.K. shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket as a look of resentment crossed his face.

"Devimon and his black gears have been causing all sorts of problems for us! I don't know why he won't just leave us alone!"

You and your partner instantly perked up at the mention of the black gears. The two of you shared a look of unease before Impmon broke the uncomfortable silence.

"You gotta be kiddin me, there's no way an ol' digi-folk tale like Devimon's been the reason we've been havin so much trouble! It's not possible, he ain't real!"

Patamon flew closer towards you before landing on your head.

"What kind of trouble?"

You readjusted your hat and continued walking.

"Well, Impmon and I used to live on the continent of Server with this old guy named Gennai. We stayed with him for a long time, just waiting for the rest of the digidestined to show up, then one day Gennai told us that there was trouble on File Island and that we needed to come here and figure out what was going on."

You looked down at Impmon who was currently giving Patamon the stink eye and trying to swat the orange digimon away.

"Ever since we left server, we've run into all sorts of catastrophes! I can't tell you how many situations Impmon and I have had to fight our way out of..."

"Not that it's ever been a problem for yours truly!"

Impmon puffed out his chest and smirked as you rolled your eyes at your partner's ever present narcissism.

"Every time we get into a fight we end up destroying one of those black gears."

Before long, the four of you had reached a section of the jungle that was completely destroyed. Trees were torn in half, roots were ripped out from the ground, and the land was completely demolished.

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