💾 Chapter Nine 💾

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"Ah! (Y/N)! I'm glad to see that you've caught up with the rest of the digidestined!"

You couldn't believe your eyes. It was difficult for you to remember the last time you had spoken to Gennai and yet... here he was... speaking to you as if no time had passed.

Tai shuffled up beside you and leaned in close. He spoke quietly and hid his mouth behind his hand.

"You know this guy?"

"Indeed, she does! We've know each other for quite some time now..."

T.K. tugged on your shirt, effectively stealing your attention from your long time friend.

"How old are you (Y/N)?"

You sputtered in disbelief for a moment. You were only a few years older than T.K. himself. Just how old did he think you were!?

Before you could answer the younger digidestined, Gennai spoke up.

"Children, please! I need you to listen to me carefully, I can't maintain this hologram much longer... Devimon may have been defeated, but evil still exists within the digital world... In order to defeat this evil, your partners will need to digivolve into their ultimate forms."

Impmon scrambled to get in front of the now flickering hologram.

"How the heck are we supposed ta do that!?"


Looking for the source of the sound led you to Izzy's laptop. The screen was now lit up with the image of an all to familiar map.

"You'll need to find each of your tags and their corresponding crests. Before taking control of File Island, Devimon scattered the tags and crests all throughout the continent of Server."

The hologram soon began to dissipate. The colorful array of lights slowly dimmed as Gennai turned to look at you, one final time.

"We'll speak again once you've activated your crest. I wish you all good luck."

The hologram disappeared, leaving you and the rest of the digidestined in a state of stunned silence.

However, it didn't take long for the silence to be broken. Soon the sound of Izzy rapidly typing and quietly muttering to himself filled the air.

"I'm not sure how Gennai expects us to get to Server. By my calculations it would take at least five whole days to reach the continent from our current location..."

Joe, who was keeping himself busy by patching up everyone's wounds, spoke to his now rookie partner.

"I don't suppose you could carry us across the water?"

"Sorry Joe, I couldn't digivolve even if I wanted too... I just don't have the energy!"

Sora hoisted her now bandaged partner up into her arms.

"I'm guessing you can't fly us over the water either..."

Biyomon let out a noise of protest as she hugged her partner close.

"Worry not digidestined,"

The eight of you looked over to see Leomon standing at the edge of the tree line.

"I will traverse the island in order to find you a source of transportation."

T.K. walked closer towards Leomon. You noticed that he had taken his hat off and placed his digiegg securely inside of it; perhaps carrying the egg like this was T.K.'s way of keeping it warm?

"All by yourself? Won't you be lonely?"

Leomon smiled and leaned down in order to meet T.K.'s eye level.

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