Chapter 1

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IMPORTANT: Ok guys, this follows most of the plot of the show but there are some changes. You'll see.

Bakugou groans and slowly opens his eyes to a water stained grey roof. He tiredly pulls himself out of bed and shuffles to his small, decomposing chest of draws. He changes into his school uniform and looks in the kitchen for any food but nothing but a rotten apple. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He pops a mint, grabs his bag and heads out of the two room apartment and walks down the many flights of stairs, careful not to step on any glass or cigarette butts and even worse, rats.

Bakugou walks through the streets, making his transition from homeless town to wealthy town. Bakugou has been poor for around 4 years even though his parents are famous. He hasn't talked to his mum in over 3 years.

Bakugou walks into the classroom and only sees a couple of students that aren't important. He slumps into his desk and pulls out the photo from his pocket. It's flimsy and fragile. It's got crumples and a strong crease down the middle where half of the photo had been folded. He stares with a small smile. A little girl with long light blue hair flowed down a cream dress. She has a small beige horn on the left side of her forehead and burgundy eyes that glistened. Her mouth was in a natural position. Her face still holds the baby chub. A much bigger arm had wrapped around her shoulder with a peace sign. The arm was covered in bandages.

"Eri... I promise I'll save you," Bakugou whispers quietly before stuffing the photo back in his pocket. He looks back up and most of the class starts swarming in. The definitely not hot fire-ice wielder walks into the room. His gaze is strong and unwavering. His jawline sharp and hair neatly parted.

"Bakugou, man, how are you?" A chirpy voice calls out and a hands wraps around Bakugou's neck. He's greeted with a broad smile and red locks.

"Don't touch me, idiot!" He snarls.

"Ok fine, chill." He laughs lightly and jokingly surrenders.

Bakugou rolls his eyes and catches a glimpse of Deku walking to his desk. The bell rings and Aizawa soon walks in with his sleeping back tucked under his arm.

"I don't care about what you do, just don't bother me," he says grumpily and cacoons himself in his sleeping bag. Everyone begins whispering to the people around him.

Bakugou closes his eyes.

"This is why you don't run away, Bakugou!" The shadowed figure holds a knife and a crazy grin.

"Please, no! Don't, I promise not to do it again," he pleads, scuttling backwards. He bumps into a wall and the man looms over him, fur coat making him all the more scary. He lets out a loud shriek as the knife closes in on his arm.

Bakugou shakes his head free from the memory, trying to keep calm. His stomach rumbles, anguished and in need of food. He groans and rests his head on the table, attempting to fall asleep.

It was 8:54 pm and Bakugou's shift at the café was about to end. There was a customer getting on his last nerve and it was taking all his might not to scream her head off. If he did, he'd be fired and being fired means no money, and no money means no dinner.

'I came here for quality food and I get this?" The Karen complains, husband not even bothering to stop her.

"Ma'am, I can take it to the back and get the chef to fix it for you," Bakugou replies as calmly as he can.

"No. What's the point. You'll just ruin it anyways." She crosses her arms and leans back in her chair. Bakugou stands there awkwardly, not sure of what to do. The Karen stares at him, eyes widening slightly. "Wait, are you that kid that killed all those kids in that preschool years back?"

That was it. Bakugou couldn't take it anymore. "Shut your trap you ungrateful monkey. No one wants to listen to you complaining. I've tried to stay calm but you just got on my last nerve. You do not treat people like their lives don't matter. I'm trying to work here and serve people but I can't with you constantly bothering me with your slightest complaints. If you don't like it then just get out!" He snaps.

Loud footsteps storm up to him and grab his shoulder. He jolts and looks back at him, fuming. "You are fired, Bakugou!" He says violently.

Bakugou's anger is immediately swallowed with fear and guilt and he stands there, replaying the words in his head. How could he let his anger get the better of him again! That's the third job this month. And he's only managed to receive one paycheck.

"Good riddance. He is a horrible waiter," Karen states with amusement.

"Bakugou, get out. You can keep the uniform for all I care. I don't want to see you in this restaurant ever again," the boss orders.

"Please don't fire me. This is my only source of income. I need this job to buy myself food. You don't understand. I need this job," Bakugou pleads but his boss doesn't budge, ordering him to leave again.

With much hesitation, Bakugou trudges away from his job. He bites his lip and balls his hands. He kicks the stray pebbles on the street towards home.

Like usual, groups of adults huddle around a campfire, lighting cigarettes or smoking illegal substances. He stiffens up as he walks up to his apartment and lies down on the mattress, stuffing his head into the pillow and trying to block out the agonisingly loud music from next door. He lets out a scream with all his anger and hatred laced within it.

He immediately stops when he begins feeling light-headed. He turns around and stares up at the ceiling. He pulls out the photo or Eri and stares at it in the dim moonlight. He kisses her head and covers his heart with it. "Don't worry, Sunshine. I'll do whatever I need to save you. Don't worry. It's going to be ok. Just keep hanging on. I know it's hard but you need to... for me." A sad smile dances on his face. He rests the photo beside his bed and lets himself fall asleep. Though the music causes many headaches, Bakugou's energy levels have been depleting, causing him to be able to fall asleep in an instant. Not only, but he's lived here for 3 ½ years. He's gotten used to it.

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