chapter 7

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sorry the chapters are so short

Katsuki doesn't hesitate to grab Midoriya and drag him to the corner of the common room.

"Where'd you see her? Is she ok?" He doesn't hesitate to ask frantically, full of adrenaline.

"I saw her with Mirio and Sir Nighteye in an alleyway. She was asking for help and there was this guy with a weird bird mask. She was also covered in bandages. I wanted to save her but-"

"Why? Why did you let him take her?" He asks, anguish laced in every word.

"I'm sorry Bakugou... we didn't want to take any serious risks," he mumbles.

Katsuki takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his spiky ash-blonde hair. It's time.

"We need to talk, shitty nerd," Katsuki mumbles and pushes Midoriya towards the door. He regains his balance and Bakugou opens the door, dragging him outside.

"Huh? Umm... ok?" Midoriya falters.

Katsuki's nerves run high. He shakes his hands like that will get rid of the anxiety. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he says scratchily, "I'm Hiroto Bakugou..."

Midoriya's eyes widen and he breaks into sobs. His knees buckle in on themselves and Katsuki catches him, bringing him into a tough hug. "I-we thought you were dead! We e-even had your funeral! Wh-y di-didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't you tell Aunty? Wh-hats with your fake name, Kacchan?" His questions roll of his tongue as if he's been wondering them for his entire life.

Katsuki's heart melts at the nickname and he wants to break down into tears too. But he holds it back. "Stop crying, nerd. It's a long story but after what happened at Kindergarten, the Old Hag sent me away to this... man. He used my Quirk for a while before giving me a new one. I don't want to get into the dirty details but I met Eri there. She's the cutest little thing ever. She's in trouble. She needs to be saved. You got that?"

Midoriya wipes his tears away and processes the information. "We should tell Aizawa-sensei or another pro hero."

Quickly, he says, "no. If you tell someone and it spreads around – which it will, and Overhaul somehow finds out, he'll kill Eri. Guaranteed. He's a strong man in a high place. Once I've gathered enough information, we can get the pros involved. Promise me you won't tell anyone till then. Got that?"

Midoriya hesitates but nods.

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