Chapter 3

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Shinsou's POV:

It's been about two weeks since Shinsou was told to report everything back to Dad. During this time, he's found out some stuff. Like how the girl Bakugou is saving is called Eri, and they met when Bakugou was around 10 years old. Not only, but Bakugou mentioned how he wasn't able to get a job and had to buy most stuff himself. Bakugou has also been gaining more weight lately which is a relief. Though he's found out many things, concerns arose. Like: why is he always so tired? Why does he always wear a jumper even when it's boiling? How bad are his financial problems?

This has peaked Shinsou's interest with the boy. Curious to learn more, he takes a shot at the internet. He types in: katsuki Bakugou

Though there aren't any results directly for him, Hiroto Bakugou comes up. Just as he's about to press on the link, his phone buzzes. Grabbing it, he immediately answers.

"Can I stay over?" A husky voice asks. The wind rustles in the background.

Shinsou closes his laptop and focuses on Todoroki. "Why Todoroki?"

"I had a fight with my father. I can't stay there right now."

Shinsou pauses to think. He wants to find out about Bakugou, but Todoroki needs help and they are friends. "Ok, fine. I'll tell my parents."

"Thank you so much."

Shinsou hangs up and heads down the stairs to Aizawa and Yamada (I'm just going to call them by their names. It's too confusing otherwise) "Dad, Papa, Todoroki is staying the night."

"Huh? Oh wow! Our little boy is finally accepting having friends!" Yamada cries.

"Ok fine. Just don't do anything," Aizawa suggests.

Shinsou blushes deeply. "I don't even like Todoroki!"

"I'm just saying," he defends.

The doorbell rings and Shinsou opens it. Todoroki looks sad, not his usual emotionless expression. They both head up to Shinsou's room and Todoroki immediately flops down on the bed, burying his face into the pillow.

Shinsou sits on the edge of the bed and stares at the wall. "Wanna talk about it?" He says softly and runs a hand through his purple hair.

The bed sheets rustle and suddenly Todoroki is sitting beside Shinsou. After a while of silence, he says, "I don't know how, but my father found out I'm gay..." he mumbles.

Shinsou's head whips around. "Wait. You're gay!?" He shouts. Todoroki looks up defensively almost and Shinsou immediately covers his mouth.

"Not only, he found out who my crush is."

"Oh my gosh. Spill the tea!" Shinsou gets hyperactive and starts shaking Todoroki roughly. "Come on, please! I promise not to tell," he whines.

Todoroki cracks a small smile. "You'd think I was a lunatic if I told you."

"How could I EVER think that?"

"Because it's someone you wouldn't expect me to be crushing on."

"Tell me then."

Todoroki shifts his gaze and his face reddens. "It's Bakugou," he mumbles.

"No. Way!" Shinsou squeals. "Omg! I knew it! I've seen how you look at him during training!"

"Uh, Shinsou? You're a little bit loud," he points out.

He takes a deep breath and tries to settle down. "Sorry Todoroki." They linger in silence for a bit. "What did your dad do?"

Todoroki hesitates. "He just shouted at me, telling me it would taint his reputation.

"I'm sorry to hear that... well, let's watch Shrek to take your mind off things."

Though Shinsou might not look or act the part, he's had his fair share of bullying and having to tell Aizawa and Yamada about it was the scariest thing he'd ever done. He'd hid all the notes and all his mental breakdowns from them. It took a year to open up but he didn't regret it. He got therapy and he knows his worth and accepts himself. He doesn't listen to any of the bad comments from his peers anymore. Distracting himself from his trauma was what kept him alive.

Shinsou grabs his computer and opens it. Todoroki sees his tab of Hiroto Bakugou open. "What's that for?" He asks curiosly.

"Oh, it's nothing," Shinsou replies stoically and closes the tab. He opens Netflix and plays Shrek. (Shrek is Smexy🥵)


The next day when Todoroki leaves to hangout with Midoriya, Shinsou doesn't hesitate to head straight back onto his computer and search up Hiroto Bakugou. The first thing that pops up are photos of him as a small child. He clicks on one and he's in a light blue shirt with shorts on. He's got ash blonde air, exactly like the Bakugou he knows, and the same wine red eyes. He's sitting on top of a brown haired mans shoulders while his mum takes a selfie with all three of them. The two adults look very familiar and he realises that the woman is the famous Mitsuki and Masaru is her husband!

He goes to the next photo which was a sad one. It was a bright day, controversial to what had been captured. There's a wooden antique coffin being laid with a priest talking. Everyone is wearing black clothes as usual, Hiroto's parents are both crying. This caused questions to arise so he decides to dig further into the situation.

Clicking on the first website, it opens up to a news article.

The tragic accident at Mesegaki elementary school (idk what school to use)

Hiroto Bakugou, the son of Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou, attended Kindergarten as usual like the rest of his peers. Hiroto's Quirk hadn't manifested till that day during their break. Izuku Midoriya, the only student to have survived the disaster said, "Kacchan's (Hiroto) Quirk manifested while we were talking about Quirks and then all the flowers started dying and then my friends started screaming and they were getting older really really fast. I ran out of there with my teacher and then I felt fine. Everyone was screaming and I was so scared."

Due to Hiroto being only 5 at the time, he was not allowed to be in jail. Therefore, he has to wear Quirk restraints and stay at home for two weeks.

Mitsuki, the famous fashion designer (I think) said when she arrived at the scene, "I was so shocked to find out that my son caused this destruction. Neither Mitsuki or I have a Quirk similar to his. It comes to a great surprise to see this. I hope it never happens again."

The famous couple gave their condolences to all the families who's children were lost but this didn't stop the backlash they received.

Hiroto Bakugou killed many people due to his Quirk, Time Increase. Since the incident, no one has seen the boy since, not even his best friend.

Shinsou freezes in surprise, not expecting to hear that Midoriya knew Hiroto. He shakes his head and clicks on another one titled: conspiracies of Hiroto Bakugou

It was a website dedicated to figuring out what had happened to Hiroto. There was a small paragraph at the top of the page. "The place where you can drop all your conspiracies about what happened to Hiroto Bakugou."

There was a list of theories, each linking to a page of information. He prowess through the list.

There were theories about Bakugou having changed his name, or he's a villain or he's been kidnapped. Some even think he's been sent to the moon. Finally, one caught his eye. Quirk-Destroying Drug

Curiously, Shinsou presses on the link.

Hiroto Bakugou's Quirk, Time Increase, is a Quirk that ages the body until a certain point where it combusts. Due to the nature of his Quirk, he could have been used in the making of the Quirk-destroying drug where prototypes have been circling the dark web made by Kai Chisaki.

This theory should be more looked into

Shinsou gulps and ruffles his hair a bit. "I shouldn't tell Dad about this. It might not be true," he whispers and leans back on his chair, closing the computer.

Shinsou has collected lots of new information but doesn't know what to do about to. 

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