Chapter 2

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Bakugou walks into the cafeteria beside Kirishima. They head to the lunch cue and Bakugou pulls out his wallet with shaky and weak hands, knowing fully well he doesn't have any money but just trying to convince the others to give him money. Putting it back in his pocket, he turns around with a scowl and looks at Kirishima.

"Buy me lunch, Shitty Hair," he orders.

"Sorry bro. But we can't keep buying you lunch. We don't have the money and you should bring your own money. Sorry but we can't do this anymore," Kirishima informs hesitantly.

The rest of the group nod in compliance. Bakugou knew this was going to happen but he begged for it not to right now when he has no source of income. "Yeah. Sorry Bakugou," Mina says.

Bakugou clicks his tongue and turns around. "I'm leaving," he mumbles and heads over to their table. He sits down and rests his head against the table. His half-lidded eyes look at his vapourizing body. How little fat coats his bones. It scares him, knowing he could die because of his temper. He knows that if he stays in this condition, saving Eri will be impossible. He won't have the strength to fight, let alone fight Overhaul. He can't loose hope. No matter how bad it gets, there's always a light at the end of the road. He promised Eri he'd save her and he doesn't go against a promise, no matter what. If he has to start eating out of trash cans, he'll do it. He has a goal and he'll accomplish it, no matter what. Even if he has to break into food stores and be deemed a villain, he'll do it. For Eri.

"For Eri," he whispers determinedly.


The sky is painted pastel as the sun shrinks and the moon rises. Cars stream by as Bakugou wanders through the streets. His legs already feel weak, like he's about to collapse and his head is dizzy. He needs food, pronto. He feels ready to faint at any second. He enters what seems to be an empty park and heads over to the bin. It stinks. Gulping down his nerves and disgust, he puts his hand into the bin, looking for food but because it's a week day, it's almost empty. He finds a half eaten plain bagel and pulls it out. It looks relitively untouched by other foods.

"Bakugou?" A deep voice says from behind him.

He jumps and spins around, ready to fight but settles down when it's only Shinsou. "What do you want, freak?" He insults roughly.

"Why are you eating a bagel from the bin?"

Bakugou swallows dryly. "I'm not, idiot. That would be gross."

"Then why did you take the bagel out of the bin?" Bakugou doesn't reply. Shinsou sighs. "I'm getting food. Wanna come?"

He looks away and balls his hands into fists. His silence is enough of an answer for Shinsou. They begin walking to a local Mexican restaurant. This will be the first yummy meal he's had in years. "Do you have enough money?" Bakugou cautiously asks.

"Yes. My parents spoil me rotten so I get a lot of money."

After getting their food from the Mexican restaurant, Bakugou doesn't hesitate to scoff it down, feeling his stomach practically reaching for it as it went down his mouth. Shinsou knew something wasn't right so gives his dinner to Bakugou, noticing how skinny he is. Bakugou quickly thanks him and once again finishes it in a matter of minutes.

"Wow. You were hungry," Shinsou jokes.

"Yeah, I don't get to eat very often," he replies happily and rubbing his stomach.

Shinsou's eyes widen. "Let's make a deal," he begins, catching Bakugou's attention. "If you help me train twice a week, I'll pay you and give you food whenever we train."

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