Chapter 24

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Gundham walked me home that night.
Most of the walk was silent. While the kiss we shared was romantic and all, I don't think he quite knew how to process it.

When we reached my house I turned to him "Well, this is my house. Thank you for..everything" I rocked back, from my heals to my tippy toes, keeping my hands behind my back.

I couldn't bring myself to look at him so I stared at the weed growing through the crack of my sidewalk.

Tanaka only made a grumble noise as he turned to look at the street behind him.

Silence filled us as the street light flickered.

"Well, goodnight Tanaka" I turned to walk up my stairs.

I completely forgot about how I need to explain my whereabouts to my siblings. Actually, they probably didn't care.

"It's Gundham" he mumbled.


"You may call me Gundham"

I smiled. "Alright then. Goodnight Gundham. I'll see you at school"
I walked through the door of my house and slowly shut it.

I let out a sigh of relief. Finally the romantic tension between Gundham and I was gone. But now I was faced with another issue:

Was it going to be even more awkward between us now?

I flopped on my bed, letting drowsiness overcome me.

Goodnight Gundham.

heyy! sorry i haven't been active. i'm def more active now! Ik this was short but i'll make the next one long.

please be sure to check out my other fic, armin artlet x reader!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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