Chapter 22

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I awkwardly left Gundham's mother in the kitchen and followed him up the stairs.
It felt weird that I was in his house, but that I also hadn't taken my shoes off yet.

When we got to his room he hesitated opening the door, but then put his hand on the knob and proceeded to open it.

I took a look around. In all honesty, I expected way worse.

He had a pretty big cage for his devas, filled with a few wheels and a few little toys.

The rest of his room was actually really cool.
He had a bookshelf filled with dozens and dozens of novels.
Did he read them all? I wonder.

Not only did he have that on the massive bookshelf, but he had a few witchcraft items. Different colored candles, pendulum, tarot cards, etc.

By the window in his room, he had a miniature sunflower garden. I assumed it was to grow seeds for his devas but I thought it was kinda cute how he had flowers in his room.

Cute?! Where did that come from-

My thoughts were interrupted when he closed the door and spoke up.
"Indeed. It is not much however it is all mine and I enjoy it."

I took my shoes off and responded
"Oh no it's great! Dark academia vibes for sure." I smiled at him to give him a bit of reassurance.

He swiftly moved past me, as he usually does, and sat on his bed. The devas crawled out of his scarf and scurried away, except for Cham-P.
He stayed on Tanaka's palm.

I felt a bit awkward just standing there looking at him, so I decided to look at his collection of books more thoroughly. He must've noticed my subtle anxiety because he finally spoke up.

"Ah forgive me, you may sit down if you'd like" So I did. I took a seat next to him on his bed and he let me pet Cham-P.

I think it's safe to say Tanaka and I have grown pretty close. Considering I'm still one of the only people he lets pet his devas. That and touch his "poisonous skin"

As we sat in peaceful silence, it almost made me forget why I was here. Almost.

"The class. The one that died at Hope's Peak..." I mumbled still in shock that something so incredibly gruesome could happen.

I didn't expect Gundham to actually hear what I was saying but somehow he did.

He sighed. "Yes, it was terrible news to receive."

"And the reserve course rioters..."

"Y/n that no longer matters. We are safe here for now understood?" he firmly said as Cham-P scurried away.

We stared at each other for a minute, communicating in silence.

"You are safe with me."

I don't know what drove me to do it. I can't say it was a bad thing but it sure was out of character. Maybe it was the built up frustration. Or maybe it was the anxiety I had for the future. But when he told me I was safe with him, I knew I could trust him with my life.

So I cupped my hands around his jawline and pulled him in for a kiss.
I heard him gasp for a brief moment before returning it.

When we finally parted, neither of us said a word. My very first kiss, and I'd like to say it was pretty damn good.

"Tanaka?" I looked at him.

He pulled his scarf up to cover his face.

"Now can you tell me where your got that picture of us in your wallet?" I smirked at him.

His eyes widened as he pulled the scarf completely over his head. I laughed and shook my eyes. Somehow this was simultaneously the best and the worst day ever.

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