Chapter 20: "Friend" Date Pt2.

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The four of us sat on a picnic blanket Kazuichi brought for us as we watch the sun start to slowly set.
It helped protect all of our clothes, which I will admit, is strange seeing them not in their normal uniforms.

Sonia wearing a nice skirt with a matching blouse. Souda put his hair up and wasn't wearing his normal jumpsuit, instead he had on a navy blue t-shirt and some jeans.
Gundham had his usual scarf but he also had on a black t-shirt, revealing his arms, which were more muscular than I expected.
Honestly those uniforms really hide everything because I would never expect Gundham Or Kaz to be fit.

We all relaxed, listening to the waves crash against the beach, the faint yelling of children somewhere down the coast.

Today really made me realize I need to hang out with people more often.

Kazuichi broke the comforting silence, shaking me back to reality.
"Hey guys there's an ice cream shop not too far from here, do you guys want me to get you some?"
He reached into his pocket to grab his wallet.

"Oh yes that sounds nice!"
"I do not see why not."
"Yeah sure!"

The mechanic got up and dusted himself off.
"Alright any flavor requests?"

We all told him what we wanted and he started to leave. But just before he did, Sonia looked at me and winked.

"It would be cruel to make you go on your own so I shall accompany you!" she got up and shook the sand out of her shoes.

I smiled, not yet realizing that would leave me and Tanaka alone together.

"O-oh. Ok! Alright then! Miss Sonia and I will be back with your ice creams soon!" Kaz said.
And then it was just us two.

We didn't say much at first. But like the usual silence between us, it wasn't awkward, but more comforting.

Then I remembered I was gonna ask him about his devas.

"Hey Tanaka, where are your devas? I noticed you didn't bring them with you today."
I stared at the water.

He closed his eyes and smiled
"Ah yes my four dark devas. I chose to leave them behind seeing as though it would be dangerous to bring them to the carnival."

I nodded. Yeah that makes sense.

"I expected as much from a mortal like you. It seems you do care about the devas." He looked at me. I blushed and nodded.

"I mean yeah but I was just curious-" I murmured.

I couldn't keep eye contact with him. His intense gaze with his two different colored eyes was too much.

So I grabbed my bag and tried to find my phone so I could distract myself.

My bag was a mess, filled with miscellaneous items like makeup, my wallet, my phone. It was hard to me to see anything so I took a few things out of my bag to clear it up a bit.

First talking out my keys then my wallet...

"Mortal, what is this?" I looked up to see Gundham staring at my wallet.

The picture.

Shit! I forgot I kept the picture in my wallet!

"Oh it's nothing!-" I tried to grab it from him but he maneuvered me too easily, causing me to fall on his legs.

"Hmph~ Hey give it back!" I got up and tried to grab it again but I missed once again.

"You fiend... Is this the photograph from the concert?" he looked at me with a puzzled face.

"No- yeah... I uh forgot it was in my wallet..." I swiped it from his hand and examined the photo like I usually do.

"Why is it in a place like that? And where did you get another?" he raised his eyes.

"Well Mahiru gave it to me- hey wait! What do you mean another one?!"

He raised his scarf aver his cheekbones in an attempt to hide his blush, but he wouldn't answer me.
So I did the most logical thing I could think of:
I grabbed his scarf and took it off of him in one motion.
He looked at me in shock, as if I had just eaten one of his devas.

But I wasn't done just then.
I grabbed his wallet and turned away from him so he couldn't steal it back.

When I opened it, I gasped.
He had the same picture.
The one of him barely smiling while I held up a peace sign.

"You fool! How dare you do such a thing to a demon so powerful!" he raised his voice as he snatched his wallet back.

But the harshness of his words never made my smile waver.

"I'll give it back if you can tell me where you got this Gundham." I grinned mischievously.

His cheeks flushed more red than I've ever seen them. Which just made me grin wider.

"Well you see- I- That mortal with the camera gave me one." he tried to explain.
I sighed and handed back his wallet. Damnit I didn't think about Mahiru giving him a copy. Maybe I'll ask her later...

My head snapped towards Tanaka. "Yeah? What's up?"

"You see, I have been meaning to ask you..." he sighed, then continuing "lend me your hand mortal."

My heart skipped a beat as I gave him my hand with a confused look on my face.
"Tanaka I thought you didn't like people touching you-"
He nodded.

"That is true however I have never met such a powerful mortal as yourself therefore I believe... we should create a bond."

He looked away trying to hide his blush but it was no use without his scarf.

"Indeed. For as long as I live I shall not allow you to perish- in other words now you are able to touch my skin without turning to ashes."

So...I can't die now?
That seemed a little ridiculous but I went along with it, seeing as though I was making progress with Tanaka.
I don't think I've ever seen him this red faced or nervous before- it was quite refreshing.

Well...I figured as long as he couldn't "turn me to ashes" I would make the most of it. So I lunged at him and gave him a hug, which he didn't like of course and cursed at me to get off.

"You fiend! Simply because I cannot kill you now does not give you the right to do such a thing!"
I laughed at him.
"Well guess what? You can't stop me" I stuck my tongue out at him playfully, somehow turning him even more red.
Eventually Kaz and Sonia returned with our desserts.
I got off of Gundham and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath of the salty air, then smiled to myself.
Today really was a good day.

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