Chapter 1

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(If you guys want more we need some upvotes!)

Hopes peak!

Honestly you had never thought you would make it this far especially with your talent.

"There she is, the ultimate makeup artist! Where you been (y/n)?" Yelled a familiar voice.

"Ibuki! Oh hey there Kaede and Kyoko!" You yelled. The three girls smiled at you running over.

These were your closest friends, sure it wasn't much but they were the best friends you could ask for.

"Hey hey! I got a gig tomorrow night do you think you could maybe do my makeup? I wanna look EXTRA fancy this time!" Ibuki yelled.

"Of course! I don't mind! Anything for you guys." You smiled. You and your friends stood in the hopes peak hallway for a few minutes when you heard the bell ring.

"Alright see ya later (y/n)!" Ibuki skipped off.
"Are were eating lunch together again?" Kyoko asked.

"Only if you aren't busy! Then of course!"
You and your friends separated to go to class, when you felt something tickled your leg, the up your back, and on your head.

You let out a small scream thinking it was a spider and you tried to get it off, not realizing that the 'spider' was really a hamster.

"What do you think you're doing?" A deep voice directed at you.

"A-a spider is on my head! Get it off!" You shrieked.

The man simply laughed. "That is not a spider, but merely one of my dark devas of destruction!"

You weren't sure what he meant but you just went along with it. He took the hamster off of your head and he took the other three out from his scarf.

"Oooh wow! Can I pet them? They're soooo cute!" You exclaimed.

The stranger simply laughed. "You are not worthy of such a task- as they will turn your skin to ashes!"

This guy... was weird, but somehow you wanted to know more.

"Well in that case, hi! I'm (y/n) (l/n). Ultimate makeup artist. It's nice to meet you and your Devas."
The man let his guard down a bit and smiled. "Remember it well, for I am Gundham Tanaka, and I shall one day rule the world!"

Oooh how powerful

"Well Gundham, what class do you have? I have Ms Chisa Yukizome."

The stranger stared at his schedule. "Ah it appears I have the same."

You got even more excited because maybe he could be your new friend!

"Great! Care to join me and walk to class together?" You asked.

Gundham blushed but agreed and you two walked to class.

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