Chapter 16

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Gundham: Y/n where have you gone?


Gundham: Do not ignore me! I shall destroy you!


Gundham: I apologize for the ferocity. I shall not truly destroy you however I do wish to know where you are hiding.


Gundham: Has an illness fallen upon you? I expected more from a mortal like you.


Gundham: Dark queen was this my fault...?
Have I done something to make you ignore me?

I turned my phone off and sighed into the pillow. Part of me felt bad for not answering him but part of me was glad I did.
I mean if I didn't then I would have never gotten those messages from him right?

I sat up in bed and stretched my arms, thinking about what to say to him. Should I respond back now? It seems a little late...

Then I remembered the picture Mahiru gave me from the concert. I wanted to start a wall of all of the pictures of me and my friends. I already had a few with Ibuki and Kyoko. But it wasn't even close to finished. I wanted to fill the wall with the best pictures and memories ever.

I grabbed my bag and dug through it, looking for the picture.
Not in the front pocket.
Not in the main pocket.
Not in my folders.

It wasn't there.

I started to panic. It was just a picture why was I so worried?
It was just a picture.
I could always take more right?
Plus him and I would be friends forever right?
Just... friends?

Sorry for such a short chapter I just wanted to post something.
I hope you guys had a good Halloween!

Question: are there any triggering characters that you want me to not write/as much of? If so lmk!!!

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