Chapter 6: the concert

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Like I said earlier I'm trying to make things progress slowly and not super fast yk?


My class finally got to the concert hall and took our seats, well everyone but Ibuki of course. She went backstage to prepare for the show.

From what I knew it wasn't just her performing, there were a few other guests who apparently also went to Hopes Peak.

Who was it again? The ultimate pop star and the ultimate pianist right?

I sat next to Gundham, and he sat at the very far left of the stage next to the wall. I guess he really was serious about not liking human contact.
The other person who sat next to me was Mahiru, and she had her camera in hand.

The show didn't start for another 20 ish minutes but it was nice to just sit back and relax.
"Are you excited?" I turned to Gundham who hadn't said a word since we sat down.
He nodded "I cannot say I have ever been to an event such as this, therefore yes I am excited."

I smiled. Actually thinking about it... even though Ibuki was one of my best friends, I had never been to a show like this.
"Yeah me neither! Well I guess this is our first concert... I'm glad I'm spending it with friends." I giggled.

Gundham didn't get the chance to respond seeing as though Mahiru trapped my shoulder "Smile you two!"

I threw up a casual peace sign as the bright flash went off. Mahiru took a look at the picture she had just taken.
"Aww you guys look so cute together!"

My face started to burn and I laughed nervously. "Haha well I-"
"Don't be ridiculous Mahiru! Who would wanna date a weirdo like him?" Hiyoko laughed next to her, pointing at Gundham.

Gundham didn't say anything just staring at the stage in front of him expressionless as usual.

"Hiyoko don't be rude..." the redhead scolded her.

I awkwardly tried to play off the harsh comment, fidgeting with my fingers.

Finally the concert started with the Ultimate pop star, Sayaka Maizono she said her name was.

Of few of my classmates and I got up and danced for a bit. Gundham didn't.

I tried to get him to stand up and dance with the rest of us, but he wouldn't budge so I left him alone.

During intermission, Teruteru and Hiyoko brought us all drinks. I'm not gonna lie I was super thirsty, so I chugged that shit.
I looked over at Gundham sitting next to me, one of his devas smelling the drink before knocking it out of his hand. He cursed at it "San-D! What has gotten into you?!"

The small creature scurried away, hiding back in Gundham's purple scarf.

I laughed at him feeling a little more giggly than usual.
But my head started to hurt too. I looked around at my other classmates and they didn't seem to be doing too good either...
(Yep it's like the soup scene lmao)

I felt tingly but it never really crossed my mind that I would be drugged, ESPECIALLY by my own classmate(s).

I was feeling pretty funny when Ibuki finally came on stage.
"WOOHOO IBUKI!!! THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND GUYS" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Helloooo! I'd like to thank all my friends for coming tonight! Especially my closest friend y/n! Anyways this first song is dedicated to you! It's called 'From Me to You Too'!"

She started playing and me and a few classmates were dancing.
But that's when my vision started to become blurry, the edges of my vision covered with black spots.
I turned to Gundham giving him an alarmed look before losing consciousness.

Also sorry for the short chapter...I have a few ideas for the next one hehe)

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