Chapter 15

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My mind was distracted all throughout class, with Mikan and Kazuichi non stop talking, along with the tiredness that lingered inside my body.

Finally when school was over, I put my notebook in my bag and started to get up when I heard someone clear their throat.

"Excuse me mortal. Care to accompany me on our journey home?"
He didn't look at me when saying it though.

I yawned and agreed. We grabbed our stuff and  walked out the door.
"Hey sorry, before we leave I need to stop by my locker..."
The breeder nodded.

On our way to my locker, I passed Kyoko and Makoto. She winked at me causing me to become a blush's mess and glared at her. In a playful way of course. It was cute seeing her fall in love, especially with someone shorter than her.

I grabbed my stuff out of my locker and we made our way out of the building.
The walk was silent as usual, but this time it was more awkward than last time.

"So... how do you like the new seating chart?" I shoved in my pockets and asked him. I was trying to see if there was anything going on with him and Sonia.

"I have no interest in making such idle conversation however I shall answer your burning question! The chef is his usual...interesting self. As for the princess we get along well I suppose."

"You suppose?" I questioned innocently, yet my intentions are set in stone.

"Yes. Her and I share a common interest in the occult however she is quite talkative for my liking."

I nodded. I think with that I had a better understanding of their relationship. They were just friends right? Right?

"I'm guessing you have not yet opened the messages I sent throughout last week." The breeder looked straight ahead with a slight smile. I mean I think it was a smile.

"Hmm? Oh yeah no I haven't checked my phone in a while sorry. I'll open them now-"

"No! You must not open them now while in the presence of such power!"
I arched my eyebrows.

"Oh you mean don't open when I'm with you?"
He nodded and looked away.
We continued walking down the path to our houses when finally I saw mine.

"Hey if you want I can walk you to your house-"I offered but was turned down. "Nonsense. I shall see you tomorrow shape shifter"

He continued to walk down the path.

"'Shape shifter'. Huh that's a new one" I mumbled to myself while pulling out the key to my house.

I ran up to my room and flopped on my bed. School was so draining these days.

I remembered what Tanaka said and I pulled out my phone to check the messages.
They weren't exactly what I was hoping for, but it shocked me in its own special way.

Happy Halloween everyone! Did/are you dressing up as anything? I'm dressing up as a cow lol

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