Chapter 7

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(Sorry for the shameless plug but go suggest ideas for my other story danganronpa one shots!)

What's going on?
Where am I?
What the hell happened?

My eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the bright light.
Where the hell was I?

"Y/n! Y-you're finally a-awake!" A timid voice said somewhere to my right.

I slowly turned my head to see a few of my other classmates lying on hospital beds, with Mikan tending to them.
I'm pretty sure we were in Hopes Peak's nurses office.

"Oh Mikan...what happened?" I slowly sat up rubbing my temples. I had a splitting headache.

"W-well from what I heard Teruteru and Hiyoko drugged most of us... so the second I felt better I-I started treating the rest of you guys!" She sniffled.

Wow so I was drugged by my own classmates? Some world we live in.

"Wait so where's everyone else?" I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Next to me in the beds were Chiaki, Kazuichi, and Hajime.

"U-umm well you guys are the last to wake up. E-everyone else already made a full recovery. The only people who weren't drugged was Ibuki, Gundham, Hiyoko and Teruteru..." I nodded.

Mikan then called the rest of my classmates in to update them on the rest of our recovery.

"Hajime and y/n should be able to leave soon but Chiaki and Kazuichi haven't woken up yet I'm sorry!" The nurse cried.

Ms Yukizome patted her on the back. "That's alright you're doing your best! Plus you've already helped so much" the teacher reassured her.

Meanwhile a few of my classmates came to talk to me. Other than Nagito, he went to talk to Hajime.

"Good day y/n! How are you feeling?" Sonia gently grabbed my hand. I smiled at her.

"I feel better. Not quite myself yet but a lot better."
She giggled. "Well I'm sure you would feel a lot worse if you had actually fallen."

I raised my eyebrow questioningly "Hmm? What do you mean?"
The princess laughed a bit before telling me. "Well if it weren't for Gundham catching you, you may have suffered a concussion, or possibly worse!"

I found myself speechless. Not in a bad way but more of a shocked way.

Once everyone left the room, I was given my clothes and changed in the bathroom. I still wasn't feeling amazing but it felt more like a hangover.

I walked out of the nurses room, ready to go home. But instead I ran into a tall figure.
"Ah shit sorry" I grabbed my head while it throbbed.

"Ah lady y/n how are you feeling?" The figure said. I looked up to see Gundham towering over me with his devas on his shoulders.

"Not the best but I'll be fine." I laughed it off. We stood there for a second before he said anything.

"Ah I see. Well I was about to make the journey to my home, shall I walk you to yours?" He offered not looking directly into my eyes.

I'll admit it would be nice to have some company but I really didn't want him to meet my siblings. They were worse than Hiyoko, and remember she literally drugged me.

"U-umm yeah sure that would be nice" I laughed awkwardly as I grabbed my bag.

After a few minutes of silence between us while we walked, I finally spoke up and told him what was on my mind.

"Hey Gundham? Mikan said something about you being only one of the people who weren't drugged..." it came out more as a statement and less of a question then I wish it would've.

Why was I acting so weird around him? Maybe I still wasn't feeling well but still...

"Indeed. My trusty deva spilled the cup from my hand. It is only fitting to say my four dark devas of destruction possess the greatest amounts of power!" He laughed, almost sounding evil but not quite.

I smiled, remembering how his hamster knocked the cup out of his hand. I'll admit he trained them pretty well.
"Yeah they're really smart. Oh uh Tanaka! I almost forgot! Sonia said you caught me when I passed out. Is it true...?" I put my hands in my pockets and started at my feet as we walked.

He didn't answer for a bit.
"That is correct mortal." Was all he said. I didn't dare look up at him, knowing I'd lose my cool if I did.

"But I thought you didn't like it when other people touched you. I mean didn't you say I'd turn to ash?" I grinned at myself for teasing him a bit.

"Y-yes well it seems you possess enough power to not be turned to ash by Tanaka the forbidden one!"
I'd say he did his usual, evil sounding laugh, but he stuttered a bit when saying it.

"Well regardless, thank you. Sonia said I'd probably be in much worse shape if you hadn't caught me." I stopped walking and looked at him.

He pulled his scarf up above his face.
"Forget about it you fiend. It was nothing but my instincts."

I smiled at him knowing damn well he wasn't this evil guy he tried to play.

"Well this is my house. I mean you can come in if you want but I do have siblings..." I felt my smile disappear at the thought of them.

I turned to my house and started walking towards it, not hearing footsteps behind me.
"Well? Are you coming?" I glanced behind me to find Gundham fidgeting with his fingers before following me inside.

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