Chapter 21

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Although things were relatively calm for a while, it didn't last.
The past few weeks before that, I had branched out a little and was hanging out with some new people. Chiaki being one of them.
She was loved by our whole class, even more so when Ms Yukizome was forced to leave our class for a while. Thanks to Nagito and his plan to blow up the school, our beloved teacher was forced to work at the reserve course.

I get what he was trying to do however, I mean we were all stressed and finals were coming up. Not to mention poor Fuyuhiko lost his sister...

It was rough for him for a while, and it was rough for me seeing him like that.

But then some other girl was found dead too. Hopes Peak was starting to turn into a graveyard.

It had been a chaotic few weeks to say the least.

I was proud of myself for making new friends and passing the final exam. Not only did I pass, but I got a perfect score. Hopes peak declared me the ultimate cosmetologist, or for in simple terms the ultimate makeup artist.

Not only did I pass, but all of my friends did too. Sonia, Fuyuhiko, Chiaki, Ibuki, Peko, Kaz, Gundham...
the whole class passed which was a relief.

Well... other than Nagito who was suspended obviously.

Things with Tanaka were actually really good. I mean, he seemed to get more blushy than usual after that whole bond thing, but overall we were still really close. Yes that includes a lot of high fives and hugs.

After a few months of class chaos with our substitute teacher, Chisa finally returned to our class. Nanami suggested we throw a party for her, so that we did.
And just like that our class was reunited and things started to feel normal and calm again.


No. It wasn't normal. I doubted it would be again. Sure our class was back together, but the grey skies and the atmosphere was different.
I didn't like it one bit.

One day I was walking home with Gundham like usual, since we live decently close. That's when the tension of the heavy atmosphere broke. We both received a text.
A horrible one at that.
Hopes Peak...lying to you... reserve coarse money...used for project...multiple killings...whole class dead...

Tanaka and I stared at our phones in complete shock, then each other.

"W-what..." I managed to get out. A whole ass class is dead?! It couldn't be real...

Until we saw the riots. Hundreds upon hundreds of people in suits were rioting outside the gates of the school I once looked up to.
They were reserve coarse students, like Chiaki's one friend Hajime. He would sometimes visit our class and hang out with us, which Chisa allowed because she liked him as well.

Gundham and I had gone out the back entrance today, lucky as it was, not knowing about the riot. But when we got to the gates, a few of the students turned to us.
Not very peacefully.

My left wrist was grabbed as I listened to the students is suits yell random shit at us, and I ran along side Gundham just following him. I trusted him enough to let him lead me wherever he thought was best to go.

He didn't let go of my wrist as I looked back to see a few protesters following us.
So instead of us leading them to his house, we took a few shortcuts and stopped when we finally caught our breath. We found ourselves in some random alley.

"Are you-alright mortal?" He tried to catch his breath as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
I nodded.
"Y-yeah I'm fine thanks. You?" I panted.

We stayed in the alley for a few minutes catching our breaths and making a plan.
We decided to go to his house for the remainder of the evening, and his mom would drive me home later.

We finally made it to his house. As we entered I caught a glimpse of a small woman in the kitchen cooking... something.

She turned to me and glanced between her son and I.
"Mother, this is Y/n. She will be staying with us for the remainder of the day." he stood tall and looked at her.
They had themselves a little glare showdown.

"Well Miss Y/n it is nice to meet you and I'd love to have you for dinner." she smiled at me.

I was about to say something when Tanaka cut me off.
"That will not be necessary thank you. Now if you will excuse us we must be off." he turned around and me being uncomfortable, I followed him.

Heyyy sorry I haven't been updating much. I promise i'm still very active and I plan to write a lot more. Also Happy late birthday gundham 🎉

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