Nightmare to Life (2)

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Next thing you knew, you woke up in a hospital bed.

You slowly opened your eyes to see a white room. It was a slight blur, you sat up and winced in pain. You look down to your stomach to see a bandage around it. You looked around confused. A hospital. Why? What happened?

A doctor walked in and looked at you. "y/n l/n?" You nod. "Happy to see you're awake, your friends will be here shortly to explain what happened." You simply nod again.

After about 10 minutes Edd walls in, followed by Matt, Tom, and Tord. You stared at them. "What happened..?" you said, the four men sat down on a couch to the slight side of the bed. Edd looked at you and began speaking.

"After awhile of you not coming back I started to get worried, Tord suggested we went out to look for you. We heard someone running through the woods and thought it might be you, luckily it was. Tord found you in a hollow tree. He called for us and we pulled you or after you didn't respond to us. We saw bleeding on your side," Edd laughed a bit before finishing. "We honestly thought you were dead, Y/n."

You were so confused. "Why was my side bleeding? Is that why it hurts?" Edd looked back at you again. "You got shot in the side Y/n."

Then it hit you. "How long was I out?!" Tord climbed over Edd, looking at you.. "A year." You looked at him. "An entire year?! Did I hit my head or something?!" Tord was clearly hiding a smile.

Edd shoved Tords head back. "Don't listen to him y/n,you were only out for a week, Tords the one who's hit his head." You let out a slight laugh, but that laugh was cut off by one little thought, the reason you had been running.

Someone had been chasing you through that forest. Then a unsettling thought popped in your mind, they knew your name.

You decided to brush that thought off though. You look at Edd. "How long until I can go back to the house?" Tord by now was slowly making his way closer to your bed, thinking nobody would notice. Edd looked at Tord with a confused look. "Until you heal a bit more, they want to make sure nothing else is wrong." You nod.

After about 3 more weeks everything was back to more. By now you had been living with Edd and the others for about 2 months and everything was going great, other than the fact that about a month ago(it's like 4 weeks in a month?-) you got fucking shot by someone.

But yeah, that's normal. Totally. You decided to try to not think about that much. You stayed in your room for the most of those three weeks, not really wanting to come out unless it was needed, for example, when you were hungry or had to use the bathroom.

You heard the door open, it was Tord. "Are you alright, y/n?" You look at him. "I'm fine, Tord." You say, pulling your blankets over yourself.

"You have barley left your room the past 3 weeks, just checking up on you." Tord said as he sat next to you on your bed. Was he.. worried about you?

"I'm alright Tord, really." You smiled s bit, sitting up and pulling your blankets off your head. Tord gave you a smile as he stood back up. "That's good." You stood up and pulled your hoodie on as Tord walked out.

You heard Tord say something before he walked out but could quite understand what he said.

(Tords POV real quick 😃)

For now..

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