"Will you.."

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"Will you marry me?"

You didn't say anything at first, you were trying to process what Tord had just said. "I-" You could barley speak. Tords smile began to fade. After a moment you finally worked up the ability to speak. You hugged Tord and began crying. "Yes Tord! Yes!" Tord face lit up.

"Really?" You laugh and kiss Tord. "Why wouldn't I? I love you." Tord smiled and kissed you. "I love you too y/n!"

( time skip to December brought to you by yours truly, ✨A gay dinosaur ✨ )

You wake up and look outside your window, it was snowing. You smiled and quickly got dressed in warm clothes before running outside to play in it, you and Tord had gotten a house together around September, since he wasn't there often you wanted to spend as much time with him when ever he was there, even of it was just watching tv together, you treasured every moment of it.

After awhile of playing in the snow you saw a car backing up into the driveway. You got excited as you noticed the "NØR5K1" license plate. You jumped up and down clapping your hands like a child as he got out the car. Tord smiled as he walked to you and kisses your head.

"You're finally back!" Tord laughs and hugs you. "It's only been 2 weeks y/n!" You sigh. "But that feels like forevverrr!" Tord laughs again and picks you up. "Want to go to the park?" You nod as Tord carries you inside.

(a/n) Sorry this chapter is a shorter one than usual! Chapter 14. will be out sometime this weekend hopefully!!

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