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A year has passed now, it's November and Tord been gone for a few months. It was around April when he left, you felt really lonely without him. He wrote to you once a month but if he ever got the chance to you'd get around 2-3 letters from him. Although it wasn't much you enjoy that he was trying.

It had been frosting over for about 2 weeks, you guessed it meant you might be getting snow soon. You enjoyed thinking back to when Tord and you played in the snow. You sat down at the kitchen table and sipped on your hot cocoa. You began seeing snow falling from the sky, you looked out the window for an hour before going back to your room to take a nap.

When you woke up you walked to the bathroom to take a bath. As you were turning the handles and looking for a towel you heard the front door open. You looked up from the counter and walked to your room, picked up a switchblade and began walking to the front room. When you walked in nobody was even there, but you noticed something off. The door was unlocked.

You looked around and heard something fall from the kitchen. You dropped the switchblade and ran to your room without looking back. You didn't know what to do, you were sure here was a break in, you were panicking.

You grabbed your phone and scrolled through your contacts, it didn't take you long to find Tords and open messages. You didn't want to risk speaking and letting the person in the house know you were there, you already gave a hint by dropping the knife and making loud thuds as you ran.

You quickly began messaging Tord what was happening, hoping he would respond. You heard something from the kitchen again but this time it was.. different. It wasn't clashing of things or anything. It was a ringtone. You recognized the ringtone but you couldn't remember who's it was. You began hearing a slight chuckle followed by footsteps coming from throughout the hallway.

As they got louder you crawled over to the closer and hid in it. You didn't even bother shutting the bedroom door, you just hid behind a basket in the closet. You heard the foot steps in the room, you tried messaging Tord again but just heard the ringtone again. You heard the steps getting closer to the closet and the door nob jiggle. You peaked out slightly to see Tord. You crawled out from your spot. "Tord!" you shouted. He smiled and hugged you. "What's wrong?" He said, laughing the ever slightest. You frog his left arm and back up slightly. "You scared the hell out of me! I thought someone broke in!" You shouted at him again. Tord laughed and pulled you back in the hug. "So are you happy to see me or not?" He said smiling. You sighed and looked at him. "Yes, I am, but you can't scare me like that!" You said. Tord kissed your head.

"I'm sorry, can I take you to the movies later tomorrow to make it up to you?" He whispered in your ear, You knew the answer but you still acted like you were thinking about it. "Hmm..I guess so." You said after a moment. Tord smiled again before speaking again. "It's snowing outside if you want to go to the park and build a few snowmen," he paused and looked at the time, "or maybe not, it's getting late." You quickly made your response. "No no let's do it!" Of course you wanted to go with him, this was the first time you've seen him in months. You wanted to make it last before he left again. Tord looked in the closet and pulled out 2 jackets and 2 sweat shirts, it was around 32 degrees Fahrenheit(or 0 degrees Celsius if my research is correct-)

After the two of you got dressed in the warmer clothes you left to the park. You walked around until snow covered the ground more. After so the two of you began making snowmen. Tord threw a snowball at you and hit your right shoulder. You declared war and built a little snow wall with a bunch of ammo. When the two of you were ready all hell broke loose and you two began throwing snowballs, some missing, some not.

You stopped when all ammo was gone, it seemed Tord was aswell since he stopped too. "I surrender!" You said, Tord laughed as you stood up and threw a snowball that hit your face. "Bitch!" You shouted. Tord laughed again as you were walking over to him. You kicked his wall down making it fall on him and began kicking snow on him. Tord stood up and tackled you to the ground, it didn't hurt you much since there was already about 3 inches of snow.

"You win! You win!" You said laughing. Tord smiled and helped you up."I love you y/n" He whispered in your ear. You smiled and kissed his cheek. I love you too Tord!" You said. Tord picked you up and began walking back to the house. You wished it could last forever.

But all good things must come to an end at some point.

(A/N! Next chapter is the final chapter! Sorry this book is kind of short but ever since the beginning I had the end planned put! Don't really know if the next chapter will be long or not.)

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