The End.

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You and Tord were driving down the road. Tord had looked a little tense and somewhat nervous. You didn't think about it.  The two of you continued driving down the road as Tord turned into a road you'd never even noticed existed. "How far away is your work?" You ask. Tord looked at you and then back at the road. "Not very far, about 15 minutes." He said. You nodded as he continued driving.

He continued driving. You were on a bridge and tord looked at you.
"Y/n, can you swim?" He asked.
"what? Yes I can swim, why?" You said

He shrugged a bit and continued driving. The bridge was farley long, so you could tell you'd be on it for awhile.  You looked at the sides of the bridge and saw that the safety bars were old and rusty.

You've always had an uneasy relationship with bridges. You looked at tord, he was facing forward, he still seemed a bit tense. You saw Tord unbuckle his seat belt and put his window down.

He looked at you and smiled slightly before looking back to the road. "Tord?" You asked. He didn't respond. Instead he swerved and drove off the bridge.

The swerve made you hit your head on the window, causing you to black out for a few seconds. When you gaomed consciousness again the car was filling with water. You tried unbuckling but it was jammed due to the water. You managed to get out of the seatbelt and go through the window tord at left open. You swam to the top of the lake and looked around.

Tord had jumped out. You vegan putting two and two together and realized what he'd done. He just tried killing you. You couldn't understand why he did it.

But you knew you'd see him again. One day, you'd bump into eachother,and you would get your answers.

Yeah so that's the last chapter, I was going to have both of them die but that would just be rude, so yay??? Idk I might make a second book to this, might not. What do you think?

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