Nightmare..again? (2)

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"I see you y/n. On your bed."

You bolt up from your bed. He can see you. That means one thing...

"I'm inside the house y/n.."

You begin to tremble. Where was he? You began looking around. He had to be near if he could see you.

"I'm coming y/n.."

You run to your closet and hide in it. You heard something. He was inside. You were trembling in fear. Trying not to make any noise, you peeked outside your closet.

He was standing there, looking at the closet.

"Come out of the closet y/n..It'll be quick."

Tears were rolling down your face. You felt helpless.

"Y/n. I won't ask again."

You fell back and hit your back on the wall. You couldn't breath.

"Fine.. I'm coming y/n"

Your heart dropped.

He busted the closet door open.

Was this really the end?

All the things you wanted to do.

You're still so young.

He pulled a knife out and slowly walked up to you.

Tears were flooding down your face. You didn't want to die now.

The man had been wearing a mask. You didn't care to notice until now.

And before you knew it. Everything went black.


"Y/n..! Wake up!!"

You slowly open your eyes to see Tord bending over you, shaking you slightly. You were crying.

You sit up and look at Tord, tears still rolling down your face. "Y..You were gone..a..and Edd...and M..Matt..and...T..Tom....a..and...."

Tord pulled you in and hugged you. "It was just a nightmare y/n, it's alright." You hugged Tord back, not letting go anytime soon.

Tord looked at you and smiled. "Want to go to my room and lay down? It may help you feel better." You smiled a bit and nodded.

You were about to stand up but Tord stopped you by picking you up bridle style and walked to his room. You clung onto him, still crying slightly.

When he got to his room and sat you down on his bed and sat down next to you. "Are you alright?" You nodded. "Thanks Tord.." Tord smiled and put his hand on your shoulder.

"No problem, y/n." You hugged Tords arm and nuzzled into it. "What time is it..?" Tord looks at his digital clock. "2:42 a.m."

You close your eyes. "Tord.. can I ask you something?" Tord begins combing his fingers through your hair. "Anything.."

"Have you ever like someone.. but no matter how much you hint it to them they don't understand..." Tord looked at you confused. Your face heated up in embarrassment. Nevermind..the question was stupid."

Tord lays back, pulling you with him. "I know how you feel y/n...Just trust the process I guess..." You laugh a bit and turn to your side. "Never would I think someone like you would have lady problems.."

Tord laughs a bit. "Y/n your a girl, what do girls like? Gift wise.." You think for a moment. "Well if depends on the girl...using me as an example I like chocolates...but not all girls like sweets." Tord smiles a bit. "You know Tord I've been wondering, why do you and Tom fight over every little thing?" Tord tens to his side to face you. "We just never get along I guess." You laugh a bit. "Makes sense.."

Tord yawns a bit. "Are we going to sleep or just stay up for the rest of the night?" You shrug as you curled up, falling asleep again. Tord smiles as you nod off to sleep.

When you're fully asleep he moves you to one side of his bed and puts a blanket over you. Tord lays down on the other side and climbs under the covers.

"Goodnight y/n."

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